Author Topic: October 2019 club meeting minutes  (Read 1832 times)


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October 2019 club meeting minutes
« on: October 17, 2019, 09:29:36 PM »
October 3, 2019

1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order 7:34 PM by Patrick
Officers present include Patrick Stelte, Jennifer Altherr, Doug Wintin, Dave McComb, Amy Copeland, Scott Tomsits, Hugh Smith, and Randy Rozewicz
Welcome extended to all in attendance including Steve Pequinot, Mona Will, Kent Ellis, Roianne Smolinski, Andrea Egeland, John Grabowski, Phil Snider, Mona Will, Jack Campbell, Tania Glass, Shane Powell, and Steve Sowers

2. Passage of Minutes
Passage of September meeting minutes

3. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary
September minutes passed earlier in the meeting

Patrick Stelte, President
Megan Short at Sweetwater emailed Patrick today about the club’s annual party.  Previously Megan had said the building is closing at 8pm on Fridays.  This meant if we had our holiday party there the party would be from 5-7:30pm.   Megan says circumstances have changed and on January 10 they can host the club party after business hours.  Patrick already made a commitment to have the party at Parkview's Mirro Center, for Saturday January 4.  Having the party at the Mirro Center past 9pm isn't a problem.  Patrick opened it up to discussion on what to do given we have two venue options.  Patrick said the prices of renting the venues was very similar, and Mirro Center caters in-house so we wouldn't have to outsource the catering.   There was discussion about trying the Mirro Center this year and then next year we have two venues to make choices from, and the option of having the party on a Saturday instead of a Friday will allow club members to not have to rush to get there after work.  The decision was to stay with Mirro Center for this year's party.

Hugh Smith, Treasurer
Revenues of $0; Expenditures included Festival tour expenses and cyclocross expenses; Race Team balance unchanged; Cyclocross Project balance reflects negative balance due to CX expenses; Franke Project balance unchanged.

Doug Wintin, Touring
Steve Souers opened a discussion on if it is necessary to have designated ride leaders on club rides for insurance coverage.  Steve spoke with the club's insurance agent and was told from an insurance standpoint it isn't a requirement.  This may give the touring director a bit more flexibility for getting rides scheduled with knowing there doesn’t have to be pre-designated ride leaders present for each pace group at each ride.  There was discussion from those present about:
How to handle incident reports; how groups would follow the pre-approved route without a leader; concern about if we don't designate ride leaders from the various ride groups, then people who ride slower than A pace may not come because they don't think there will be anyone to ride with; having Facebook commentary for each ride for who is going to be there so people can see who will be there; having a ride host for each ride; next year posting every ride as A,B,C,D and then membership can decide who will ride each pace.

Discussion of the club getting a Ride with GPS account with routes any club member could download the routes onto their electronic device or phone.

Discussion of E pace group for week-end tours.   Patrick explained no none wanted to take responsibility for E rides this year. He stated weekend E rides could start at any location, time and place.  The ride must have a pre-determined route and be approved by the touring director. 
Doug said there are still a lot of questions we will have to work out if we are going to make a policy change about designating rides and ride leaders

Steve Sowers:  Plan is to do Show N Goes similar to past years.  If you have any tweaks to request send me a message or an email.  Starts first week-end in November, 12pm at either Homestead H.S. or Arcola at 12:15pm with Suburban Bethlehem pick up at 12pm. 

Dave McComb, Racing
For the team we have a new member, tri-athlete Shannon Linder.
5th week of Wednesday CX practice series.  It takes 4 hours to set up the course, 1 hour to tear down 500 stakes each week. 
Team Neighborlink has the CX practice photos on their website for the prior week, 20-30 people each week average.
Talked with Ray Vasquez about the NE Indiana Composite Mountain Bike group for young riders to see if there is a way we could work with them to be a resource for them and absorb the team into our club. 
Time trial series - We had great weather for the last event.  13-14 average for each event.  The participants talked about what we could do to get more people to come out. Dave said he'd like to get a universal timing device and some signage.
Newspaper article - There was an article in the newspaper last week with a photo of Dave staking the CX course. 

Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road
Franke Park trails are in good shape.  We are getting good turnout for trail maintenance days.  We are going to work on some trail signage.
Franke Toolbox - Randy follow up about the tool box kit at Franke.  Randy is concerned about vandalism, and we need to put it in a very strategic place that is wide open.  Randy's projected date to get the project completed with purchasing the toolkit is end of this month. 
Lots of people are out riding the Franke Trails and he's receiving quite a bit of feedback from the trail users with messages of thanks for the work on the trails

Publicity, Pamela Fennell (absent) 

Amy Copeland, Membership
Total Memberships 309
Family 136
Individual 173
66 of the members were not members for the 2018 season

Scott Tomsits, Newsletter
The last club newsletter was sent out today.   
50th anniversary kit - window closed, order has been sent off for production.  16 pieces were ordered.     

Mike Heyes, Webmaster (absent)

4. Additional Items of Interest
 Jersey ride wrap up - 62 participants.   Very weather day with sunshine, mid 80's temperature.  Almost all food was eaten.  There were $16.35 donations and $20 in sock purchases.
September 28th Saturday club ride, Brian Meyer passed on a $50 donation.  The donation originated from someone who had locked their keys in their car, club members helped, and the motorist gave $50 for helping get their car open.

Jennifer Altherr and Amy Copeland - Asked for $10 a month to reimburse the ride leaders for expenses for prizes for a new format they began in September for City Tours.  Motion was made by Patrick to cover expenses up to $10 a month, all approved. 

Bicycle Indiana - Mona showed the 2019 Resource Guide a continuation of last month's Toot Our Own Horns discussion.  There are full, half and quarter pages for ad space available.  This year for our Festival Event we did $1 per ride format which meant $250 went to Bicycle Indiana.  Kent's analysis of the post ride survey indicated very few riders saw the ad for the ride.  Patrick said the festival tour committee will discuss and bring back their recommendation to the club at an upcoming meeting.  Ad space quotes:
Cost to be a Bicycle Indiana club: 
Basic organization club $100
Bronze $250
Basic organization member
Quarter page $540
Half page $900
Ad that is not part of a $1 per rider program - interior page of the guide for Bicycle Indiana non-member:  Half page $1000; Quarter page $600
A $1 ride program for non-member:
Quarter page $450 (plus the $1/ride)

Kent:  Working with Amy on online club membership registration with current entity BikeReg.  Kent has set up Red Podium that hasn't gone live yet.  He says Red Podium is easier to use, less expensive, and we can sell merchandise on there as well as have a merchandise store.  Club members could sign up for a membership and at the same time sign up for the Festival Tour.  Amy reviewed the site and said it looks good.    Mona said on our newsletters and website we'll need to change the BikeReg info to Red Podium.  Kent said he will once it goes live. 

Scott Tomsits will be organizing club rides on Zwift this winter.  He talked with Markus Wind about the Zwift League schedule so it doesn't conflict.

5. Good of the Order

6. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned. 9:00 PM
Minutes by Secretary Jennifer Altherr