Author Topic: December 2020 club meeting minutes  (Read 2962 times)


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December 2020 club meeting minutes
« on: January 05, 2021, 02:14:08 PM »
December 3, 2020
1. Call to Order
● Virtual Meeting called to order 7:34PM PM by Johnny Grabowski
● Officers present include Johnny Grabowski, Jennifer Altherr, Dave McComb, Amy Copeland, Andrea
Egeland, Shane Powell, Pamela Fennell, Kent Ellis, Scott Tomsits
● Welcome extended to all in attendance including Roianne Smolinski, Marty Smolinski, Ed Lines, Robert
(Ray) Vasquez, Rick Bokern, Mary Robbins, Ken Weddle, Patrick Stelte, Steve Pequignot, Tania Glass,
Michael Souers and Mona Will

2. Passage of Minutes
● Passage of November meeting minutes
3. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary
● November minutes passed earlier in the meeting
John Grabowski, President
● No report.
Amy Copeland, Treasurer
● While researching how to properly manage Youth Racing funds, Amy learned that 3RVS has not filed a tax
return for the past 12-13 years, and the IRS does not have a record of 3RVS as a tax-exempt organization.
○ Amy recommends the club immediately apply for tax-exempt status with the IRS as a 501(c)(3)
charitable organization. Amy is comfortable with the filing process. There is a one-time $275 filing
○ Establishing this tax-exempt status is especially important because the club received and is
managing the substantial grant awarded to the youth MTB race team.
○ The club will need to file taxes annually. As long as our club income is less than $50K per year we
can file electronically.
○ Amy feels 501(c)(3) status most closely matches the nature of the club. The alternative status is
501(c)(7) which is a social organization, and how we filed previously. For 501(c)(7) status the club
would have to file tax returns for the past 12-13 years.
○ Motion to vote. 100% approval by those present.

● Income: $89.36
● Expenses: $64.20

Kent Ellis, Membership
● 219 memberships, 294 members. Have not sent out a reminder for members to renew as Kent is waiting to
send in conjunction with Chilly Challenge notice.
● Rick Bokern indicated he will accept a nomination for Membership Director.
Andrea Egeland, Social Media
● Almost ready to show the new 3RVS website.
● Request the club to purchase a subscription to Calendar Whiz, a calendar program to facilitate the
maintenance and marketing of 3RVS club rides and events on our website. The cost to manage up to 3
calendars would be $12/month or $99/year (+ tax). Motion to vote. 100% approval by those present for the
$99/year option.
Scott Tomsits, Newsletter
● Newsletter is pending on status of the Chilly Challenge
Publicity, Pamela Fennell
● N/A
Shane Powell, Touring
● Proposed for Chilly Challenge to be a virtual event to avoid group activities in light of COVID-19.
● Shane met with the City of Fort Wayne and Trek the Trails about having Mona as a liaison between the club
and Trek the Trails.
○ The City of Fort Wayne and Trek the Trails approved 3RVS and Summit City Bikes as Trek the
Trails partners.
○ Trek the Trails will be an official 3RVS club ride, and Mona will be the ride leader.
○ Mona will promote 3RVS at Trek the Trails events, and 3RVS will promote Trek the Trails events
via our website and social media. In turn, Trek the Trails will promote 3RVS as an official partner of
Trek the Trails.
Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road
● N/A
Dave McComb, Racing
● Dave talked with Barry at Trailhouse Village Bicycles in Winona Lake. Trailhouse will offer a discount to
3RVS members. Andrea will add the information to the club website.
● On December 1 there was a youth mountain bike club meeting including Scott, Andrea, Dave, Jake, Ray
and Valerie. They discussed how the partnership with the club should work. They want to model the
partnership after the West Michigan Coyotes Team.
○ Ask all youth MTB members to join the club.
○ Youth MTB submit a budget with documentation to the club committee.
○ Youth MTB members want to be able to join the club and add on the fee for their MTB t-shirt online.
Kent will show Andrea how to set this up on Red Podium.
4. Additional Items of Interest
● Steve Pequignot re: ordering of awards for Annual Awards Banquet: Per Steve, 3RVS has utilized Hodges
Badge in the past because they have offered lower prices than local vendors (plaques are $17.95 engraved,
and medals are $3.10). Normal turnaround time for orders is 2-3 weeks. Hodges Badge offered 3RVS 10%
off orders placed before December 25, but Steve will inquire whether they will extend the 10% discount
through the end of January due to 3RVS having to reschedule our event.
● Chilly Challenge: Johnny is in favor of people riding on their own, with no organized ride. In light of Mona's
absence at the meeting, discussions regarding other Chilly Challenge details will take place off line.
● Amy Copeland: Storage unit is paid for through February 2021. Discussion about moving items out of
storage and into the new storage container at Franke Park. Also discussion about building shelving inside
the storage container, ensuring it is locked and secure, and painting the exterior of the storage container to
harmonize with the environment.
5. Good of the Order
● 3RVS member Tim Ellert passed away. Motion to donate $50 to the food bank. Motion to vote. 100%
approval by those present.
6. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned. 8:46 PM
Minutes by Jennifer Altherr