Author Topic: September 2021 Club Meeting Minutes  (Read 2713 times)


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September 2021 Club Meeting Minutes
« on: October 07, 2021, 09:26:16 PM »
September 2, 2021

1. Call to Order
● Meeting called to order 6:30 PM by Amy Copeland
● Officers present include Jennifer Altherr, Dave McComb, Amy Copeland, Andrea Epple, Rick Bokern,
Michael Souers, Scott Tomsits
● Welcome extended to all in attendance including Jack Campbell, Valerie Vasquez, Mona Will, Rich
Swihart, Patrick Stelte
2. Passage of Minutes
● August 2021 meeting minutes approved..
3. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary
John Grabowski, President (Amy Copeland in Johnny's absence)
● n/a
Amy Copeland, Treasurer

○ Revenues included: 3RS memberships, Festival Tour registrations, Festival Tour clothing, NEIC
registrations, NEIC team donation, FW Outfitters Zoolander race sponsorship
○ Expenditures included: Annual insurance premium, Printing for Open Streets, First Friday City
Tour prizes, CX Series supplemental medical insurance, NEIC Outride funds reimbursement,
NEIC Outride supplies and trailer build hooks, NEIC team shirts
○ NEIC Zoolander race expenditures included: race supplies, porta potty, event insurance, food,
signage, race support services.

● Amy, Andrea and Rick are discussing changing the club back to instead of Red Podium.
Amy indicates it is more user friendly and more secure.
● 501c3 status will be at least 45 additional days
Michael Souers, Touring
● Distributed October touring schedule at the meeting
● September Touring Challenge has begun
Dave McComb, Racing
● Last night was first CX practice with 13 riders, $57. Purchased 48 stakes.
● Worked out CX insurance.
● Delivered kits to the team.
● Dave isn't going to the Saturn rides due to a schedule conflict. So, the Saturn ride could be taken off the
schedule or left as a Show N Go
Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road (absent)
● n/a
TBD, Publicity
● n/a
Rick Bokern, Membership
● 283 memberships
● 388 adults
Scott Tomsits, Newsletter
● Newsletter went out yesterday. People are doing better with getting articles to Scott on time.
Andrea Epple, Social Media
● The new website won't be worked on until this winter.
4. Additional Items of Interest
● Poll officers regarding nominations for same positions in January or vacancies to seek candidates -
○ Secretary: Jennifer will not seek Secretary position for 2022, effectively resigning at the end of
○ Touring: Michael Souers is undecided
○ Racing: Dave McComb will continue to serve
○ Publicity: Mona Will is willing to serve if no one else interested
○ Membership: Rick Bokern will continue to serve
○ Newsletter - Scott Tomsits will continue to serve
○ Social Media - Andrea Epple will continue to serve
○ Treasurer - Amy Copeland will continue to serve. However, if Johnny doesn’t continue as
President and the President role needs to be filled, Amy would be interested - but only if the
Treasurer position is filled.
● 2022 Festival Tour planning -
○ Mona is looking for a volunteer coordinator for the 2022 Festival Tour.
○ Mona is also looking for someone with marketing/social media skills.
○ Meetings are held via Zoom to minimize traveling
○ If you know of anyone interested in either role, please let Mona know.
○ July 10, 2022 is the tentative date for the 2022 Festival Tour. Plan is to continue with the
Friday/Saturday/Sunday ride format including a casual ride/gravel ride/road ride.
● Festival Tour wrap-up - Net income $961.27.
● Mona presented a spreadsheet of expenses and income
● Water bottle/cages leftover from the Festival tour: Cost was $10 each. We have approximately 104 (total
expense to 3RVS of $1,040). Proposal to sell them for $10 each, or keep them to use for next year's
Festival Tour or another event as swag.
○ Those present determined we would keep the water bottles/cages to use for a future
● Publicity Officer opening will be published in the October newsletter - Mona is willing to accept a
● Code of Conduct - Discussion of Johnny's draft. Those present voted to accept the draft as written. It will
be added as by-law 1.8 on the club website.
○ Andrea will email the most recent Three Rivers Velo Sport Constitution to the club officers
● Jersey Ride - The previously proposed date of September 24 is unavailable for the Franke Park pavilion
○ October 16 is available and will be the date of the Jersey ride for this year.
○ Pavilion rental is $61.
○ The budget will be $600, agreed upon by those present
○ The event will be RSVP to enable food planning.
○ The event is free for club members. There will be a $5 charge for guests to cover food.
○ Amy will send Rick last year's email template, and Rick will send it using the email distribution
5. Good of the Order
● Mona -
○ Last weekend 3RVS participated in Open Streets for the first time. 3RVS conducted a group ride
with 2 ride leaders and 1 participant..
○ The Open Streets event was very well-attended overall.
○ There was no cost to 3RVS to have a booth at the event.
○ The 3RVS Open Streets booth was on the Indiana Michigan Power Center - Good location
■ Suggestion for the club to get a logo table covering. The table logo covering/drape
could be re-used for other events.
■ Those present voted to approve a budget of $250 to buy a logo table
covering/drape. Mona and Dave will work on the purchase.
■ The banner at the back of the tent was effective.
■ There was a sheet listing the club's rides.
■ We didn't have a giveaway.
■ Due to wind, Mona suggests that next year we have weights to hold down our booth's
Meeting at the library adjourned at 7:20PM