3RVS Forum

Club News => Latest News => Topic started by: Patrick on July 22, 2016, 08:12:45 PM

Title: July 2016 club meeting minutes
Post by: Patrick on July 22, 2016, 08:12:45 PM

July 7, 2016

Patrick Stelte, President
Hugh Smith, Treasurer
Steve Pequignot, Touring
Phil Snider, Off-Road
Jane Lewandowski, Membership
Mike Heyes, Newsletter
Mona Will, Publicity
Joe Bartels, Racing
Mike Heyes, Webmaster
Tim Claypool, Secretary

-Meeting called to order 7:34PM by Patrick welcome extended to all in attendance including club members Amy Copeland, Scott Tomsits.  Visited with guest Grant who was interested in information about the club.  Officers shared different aspects of the club and help Grant understand the ride groups. Grant, a college student from the Columbia City, area recently completed a month long ride in the south east.

-Reviewed meeting minutes of June 2nd 2016, call for correction, or addition. Steve made a motion to accept minutes as presented Patrick second, vote carried.

-Appointment of Newsletter officer.  Mike Heyes explained the format that he designed that would enhance the newsletter and provide a direct link to the information on the website.  Feedback on the new design has been positive.  Patrick discussed with members the joint venture with Newsletter/Editor/Webmaster.  His reasoning was to provide continuation of the newsletter during the busy summer months without training a new officer.  He also said that two other club members had enquired about the position.  He wrote them back and offered to nominate them for office in January during officer elections if they were still interested.  Patrick asked Mike if he would continue and he agreed to the arrangement and a unanimous vote carried.

-Club Constitution updates were discussed.  The updates and revisions were presented as per the club guidelines and bylaws.  With no objections, Patrick entertained a motion to accept revisions – Steve made a motion that was seconded by Patrick.  Vote was in favor by all members present with no objections.   Patrick noted many of the revisions have been ongoing by former presidents for many years with no finalization.  Mike Heyes was responsible for combining the various documents into one document for easier reference.  Mike will list the constitution on the website for public access.
-Treasurers report by Hugh. Follow up report for the month of May.  Debits included fees to IMBA, Bike League Festival ride and Festival insurance coverage.  Income included membership and clothing reimbursement. June debits include Festival brochures, Heritage Days information booth and time trial expenses.  Jane will follow up with Kathy to see if she will continue to manage the Jersey/clothing and will work with Mike on making clothing available on the website.  Also, she will ask for a monthly balance report for the clothing.

-Touring report by Steve.  July weekend tour start time will be 9:00 in an attempt to beat the heat.  August too will see start time at 9:00.  Steve will communicate with riders and leaders to assure times are acceptable.  National bike challenge 3RVS placed 1st overall in the extra-large division.  The club placed 5th nationally over all. At time of meeting for July the club was 2nd overall nationally.

-Off road report by Phil.  Work day Saturday 7/9 at Franke trails.  Clearing overgrowth removing dead fall. He reported member Rick Bittle was volunteering many hours keeping the trail maintained.  He will coordinate the Bike at Night event for July 23rd 9:00 pm Swinney West.  Requirements for ride is helmet and lights front and rear.  Ride will be slow pace to Tillman Park with regroup refreshments at tennis courts parking lot.  Mona will be charged of buying ice cream.   A follow up event is scheduled for August with the same start time and location - destination New Haven.  Leader for this ride to be decided.  A 3rd event set for September.  Joe is interested in rejuvenating this former Fort Wayne ride but as a club event.  The 3 rides this year is a test of interest in this type riding and defining the best route.

-Newsletter report by Mike.  Submit information for the newsletter as soon as possible for consideration.

-Membership report by Jane. She welcomed 62 new members so far this year. Totals were 140 family and 158 individuals for grand total of 298.

-Publicity report by Mona. She submitted an article and photos to the West Bend Newspaper for publication.  The purpose is to inform Antwerp area residents of the time trials that take place on old US24.  Mike asked for a copy to add to the website.  She acquired a listing for the Festival ride in the Fort Wayne newspapers - July 8th addition.

-Racing report by Joe.  The last training ride had 21 riders.  He noted that there are 4 other opportunities to ride with other groups on training night and is hopeful attendance will continue to improve.  Joe also noted that last month’s club Time Trial race was membership compliant of participants. 
-Webmaster report by Mike.  Improved the touring schedule listing with direct link to map section and start location.  Steve thanked Mike for providing a map link on the weekend schedule page.

Additional Items of Interest.
*Club Brochure photo.  Many photos were presented for consideration.  The final choice was selected for printing of new brochures.

*Three Rivers Festival Tour update.  Phil, route has some new chip and seal and he marked areas on map for rider information.  Phil requested reimbursement of gas used to mark and recheck route.  An amount of $30.00 was accepted by Phil.   Patrick to help Jane with registration sit up. Jane reported 63 pre-registered riders.  Steve to purchase tubes for flat repairs.  He has just 1 volunteer to assist with SAG support (post meeting update: 3 volunteers).  Patrick to have 350 maps and 300 registration forms printed for Tour.

*Club Century Ride.  Community Memorial Hospital of Hicksville Ohio has moved their annual event from May to August 27th in an effort to attract 3RVS club members to their event.  The ride will follow Phil’s loop route with a central SAG in Cecil Ohio.  After ride meal to be served at the Hospital following the ride.  Patrick made a motion to designate this as the official club century ride for 2016 - vote carried.

Good of the order. Christina Wade reported the 3RVS booth at Huntington Heritage Days was the only booth to offer beverages and was appreciated by attendees over the many hours of the event.  Due to an unforeseen event the volunteer set to assist the event had to back out.  New club member John Vandergrift stepped up and helped with set up, support and tear down.  Christina asked the club to donate a festival ride to John for his help. Members approved donation. 

Meeting adjourned 8:55 pm.
Attendance 12
Minutes prepared by Tim Claypool Secretary