Author Topic: January 2020 club meeting minutes  (Read 2044 times)


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January 2020 club meeting minutes
« on: January 16, 2020, 03:23:27 PM »
1. Call to Order
●   Meeting called to order 7:29 PM by Patrick Stelte
●   Offers present include Patrick Stelte, Jennifer Altherr, Doug Wintin, Amy Copeland, Scott Tomsits, Hugh Smith, Pamela Fennell, Randy Rozewicz
●   Welcome extended to all in attendance including Steve Pequignot, Andrea Egeland, Phil Snider, Jack Campbell, Shane Powell, Mona Will, Charles Copeland, Johnny Grabowski, Tim Fennell, Kent Ellis, Tim Ellsworth, Luis DeVeyra, Tania Glass
2. Passage of Minutes
●   Passage of December meeting minutes
3. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary
●   December minutes passed earlier in the meeting
Patrick Stelte, President
●   Nominations and Election:
●   Newsletter - Scott Tomsits said he'd serve again. No other nominees. Scott retains the role.
●   Membership - Amy Copeland resigning. Amy nominated Kent Ellis. No other nominees. Kent accepted nomination and will serve as Membership Director.
●   Publicity - Pamela Fennell said she'd serve again. No other nominees. Pamela retains the role.
●   Off-Road - Randy Rozewicz said he'd serve again. No other nominees. Randy retains the role.
●   Racing - Dave McCombs (not present at meeting) emailed Patrick expressing his interest in continuing to serve in this position. Steve Pequignot nominated Dave. Will vote at the next meeting when Dave is present.
●   Touring - Doug Wintin resigning. Charles Copeland nominated Shane Powell. No other nominees. Shane accepted nomination and will serve as Touring Director.
●   Treasurer - Hugh Smith resigning. Amy Copeland nominated herself. No other nominees. Amy will serve as Treasurer.
●   Secretary - Tania Glass nominated Jennifer Altherr. No other nominees. Jennifer accepted the nomination and will fulfill the role.
●   President - Patrick Stelte resigning. Shane Powell nominated Johnny Grabowski. No other nominees. Johnny accepted nomination and will serve as President.
●   Webmaster - Mike Hayes is vacating.  Andrea Egeland was nominated by Patrick.  No other nominees.  Andrea agreed and will serve as Webmaster.
●   Vice-president - John nominated Amy Copeland.  No other nominees.  Amy agreed and will fulfill the role.
●   Patrick handed out club officer duty guidelines to the 2020 club officers
●   Service Award plaques presented to all outgoing club officers in appreciation of their service.
Hugh Smith, Treasurer
●   Revenues  included Wepay deposit, voided check 3022 to Arcola Fire Department, and sock orders
●   Expenditures included office supplies
●   Race team balance (no change)
●   Cyclocross Project balance (no change)
●   Franke Project balance (no change)
Shane Powell, Touring
●   Chilly Challenge had a good turn out (covered later in more detail)
Dave McComb, Racing (absent)
●   N/A
Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road
●   Working with Parks Department to get a storage shed. 
●   Will review a trail project list with the Parks Department and then post it on Facebook. 
Publicity, Pamela Fennell
●   Article in last week's newspaper about race team
●   Newspaper and TV interviews for Chilly Challenge
●   Fort Wayne Magazine is interested in an article on the club for May
Amy Copeland, Membership
●   310 total members
○   family 136
○   individual 174
○   67 of the members were not members last year
○   Red Podium is live for memberships, thanks to Kent Ellis for streamlining the process
Scott Tomsits, Newsletter
●   Mid-December newsletter distributed.  Next newsletter date will depend upon contributors
Mike Heyes, Webmaster (absent)
●   Mike supplied Patrick with information for running the website. 
4. Additional Items of Interest
●   Annual party update -
○   Steve P and Patrick met with Mirro Center today. 
○   96 RSVPs.  105 meals ordered. 
○   No food can be brought in or brought out per health department.
○   An email to will go to those that RSVPd with party details
●   Chilly Challenge Wrap Up
○   137 riders, 1 speed skater
○   107 waivers signed
○   Participation down from last year, but road conditions were icy
○   10 pots of chili, almost all eaten
○   $180 donations
○   $81.80 expenses
○   Sold 11 pairs of socks for $55
○   Mona did two live news interviews on January 1
5. Good of the Order
●   N/A
6. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned. 8:20 PM
Minutes by Secretary Jennifer Altherr