Three Rivers Velo Sport ( 3RVS ) is Northeastern Indiana’s premier cycling club. Founded in 1969, 3RVS is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run organization that utilizes excess funds from its general account to promote bicycling-related activities in the greater Fort Wayne area.



The mission of Three Rivers Velo Sport (3RVS) is to promote the general interest and enjoyment of bicycling for health, recreation and economical transportation. 

We are a volunteer, not-for-profit organization that:

  • facilitates and conducts regularly scheduled group cycling rides, outings, and races
  • promotes better bicycle riding conditions
  • advocates and advances proper riding techniques



3RVS holds monthly meetings on the first Thursday of each month from 7:00-8:30 pm. Meetings are open for anyone to attend to get to know us better, stay up-to-date with 3RVS activities, or get more involved by volunteering.  You may view our minutes here.

Meeting Location:

Allen County Public Library

Meeting Room B

900 Library Plaza

Fort Wayne, IN 46802



3RVS offers club memberships for individuals and families for an annual fee that helps support the club’s programs and its mission. For more detailed membership information and online registration, click here.



3RVS organizes and supports annual bicycling events, including:



3RVS supports several national bicycling organizations, including Bicycle Indiana, The League of American Bicyclists, and USA Cycling. 3RVS also supports local activities and events including Trek the Trails, Fort 4 Fitness, and Ride RMHC, and partners with organizations like Team Neighborlink. Additionally, 3RVS members are actively involved in cycling advocacy via a variety of state and regional cycling organizations.



Our mailing address is:

P.O. Box 11391
Fort Wayne, Indiana  46857-1391