Weekend touring
Welcome back to group rides for 2024!
You don't have to be a member to join our rides. But we hope that once you've ridden with us that you will see how much fun it is and will want to become a member and help us to support cycling in northeast Indiana. Visiting cyclists are always welcome. All tours are subject to change due to unforeseen conditions. Please refer to the 3RVS Facebook page the day prior to each tour for changes. Most maps can be found here.
Ride Calendar
NOTES: Weekend tours are subject to change due to road, weather or other conditions. Any changes will be posted on the 3RVS website, 3RVS Facebook Page, or Twitter @ride3rvs.
The A group rides at every tour, B,C & D group tours are listed in the calendar above or on Facebook as leaders state their availability for each ride.
Group paces: A = 20+ mph; B = 18/19 mph; C = 16/17 mph; D = 14/15 mph; E = 12/13 mph
See the back side of the weekend route maps or 3rvs.com for 3RVS Group Riding Guidelines.
Follow our tours live using the Life360 App at Ride 3RVS
In Season Start Locations