Author Topic: November 2016 club meeting minutes  (Read 2032 times)


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November 2016 club meeting minutes
« on: November 17, 2016, 05:25:40 PM »

November 3, 2016

President, Patrick Stelte
Hugh Smith, Treasurer
Steve Pequignot, Touring
Phil Snider, Off-Road
Jane Lewandowski, Membership
Mike Heyes, Newsletter
Mona Will, Publicity
Joe Bartels, Racing
Mike Heyes, Webmaster
Tim Claypool, Secretary - absent

-Meeting called to order 7:30PM by Patrick.  Welcome extended to all in attendance including John Grabowski, Scott Tomsits, Jennifer Altherr, Amy Copeland, Jim Reilly, Jack Campbell, and Tim Ellsworth.

-Reviewed minutes for meeting of October 6, 2016.  Patrick noted a corrections from Steve P. to change “National Bicycling Challenge” to “National Bike Challenge.”  Phil made a motion to accept as presented with Steve second vote carried.

Finance Report by Hugh - Revenues included membership dues, clothing purchases.  Expenses include clothing purchase; storage unit rental through April 2017; Festival Tour SAG supplies; Jersey Ride food supplies; Saturn Church donation and new PNC Bank checks.

Touring Report by Steve.  Weekend touring transition to Show N’ Go format with ride leader Steve Souers starting in November and continuing through March 2017.  Year in Review:  opening ride was lowest turnout in recent memory due to cold weather (42); 59 weekend tours with 6 rainouts (4 paid tours:  Festival, Fort 4 Fitness, Club Century, Ronald McDonald House Charity); average weekend ride attendance was 22.81 this was down from last year’s average of 27.36.

Off-Road Report.  Phil contact Alec Johnson from the Parks Department about trail development at Foster Park.  Phil reported they are amiable to the idea without institutional formalization.  Saturday rides will occur if temperature is above 15 degrees and less than 3 “of snow on the ground.  December begins Ride / Ski option dependent on weather.  Location TBD.

Membership Report by Jane.  316 total members in 2016:  146 family; 170 individual with 76 new members for the year.

Publicity by Mona.  The club’s National Bike Challenge success was reported in the Journal Gazette on October 24th.  Mona was successful in getting Andrew Hoffman from NeighborLink to write a cyclocross article in the club’s newsletter, promoting the discipline.  Parks Department advertised the Chilly Challenge in their Winter Fun Times magazine.

Racing Report.  Joe is doing outreach for more involvement with local cyclocross entities and 3RVS.

Webmaster Report.  Mike made two software updates to the club’s website; posted ride leader recognition for 2016; added a slide show; announcement of Chilly Challenge and cyclocross events.  Mike also talked about the possibility of using credit cards for purchasing 3RVS items.  He researched as an example with benefits of: first card reader is free; direct deposit to account; no start up fees.  However, there is a transaction fee for each purchase.

Additional Items of Interest
-  3RVS clothing purchase.  Kathy report 52 items requested for order from club members.  She made ½ payment to start order and was told the items would be available for Friday, December 2nd’s club party.

-  End of Year Party.  Jane and Mike will send out e-mail invitations.  Patrick is working with Sweetwater on accommodations and food catering.  Jane and Amy Copeland will handle membership renewals and guest fees at the party.  Steve is working with keynote speaker Gary Painter with visuals.  Mona asked to hire a photographer to document the evening’s events and post on  She suggested club member Russ Stephens wife Teresa, a professional photographer.  After discussion among members present, a vote was passed to hire Teresa.

- Proposed Club Constitution amendment.  Held from last month.  Steve withdrew previous language and Patrick introduced new language from club member Karen Walker that states the intend of the amendment, “With the exception of the office of President and until a Special Election can be conducted, an officer’s vacancy as described in Section 3.1 Elections, may temporarily be filled by appointment of the President”.  Steve’s reason for the amendment was to provide a vehicle in which an office can be filled quickly to continue needed service to club membership.  Discussion ensued and the amendment passed with one opposing vote.

Meeting Adjourned 9:00
Attendance 15
Minutes prepared by Patrick Stelte, President