Author Topic: April 2013 club miutes  (Read 2544 times)


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April 2013 club miutes
« on: April 15, 2013, 03:50:39 PM »
APRIL 4, 2013
*Call to order 7:30 PM. By President
Officers present
Patrick Stelte President
Earnie Williamson Treasurer
Steve Pequignot Touring
Phil Snider Off-Road
Kathy Boling Newsletter
Greg Duncan Membership
Tim Claypool Secretary
Officers absent
Donna Nelson Publicity
Jerry Witham Racing

*Reading of minutes for meeting of 3/7/13.
Motion to approve Kathy, second Earnie.

*Treasurer report.
Kathy did an inventory of the jerseys and bin’s reporting to Earnie the proper balance of items. Difference in cost is due to shipping and price to members is less than cost to club. Earnie reported on changes to our insurance when the present policy expires. Policy cost will increase. Earnie is working with the agent for the best coverage and cost for the club.

*Touring as reported by Steve. Have ride leaders for most of the week day/end rides. Steve has tours for all skill levels from beginner to advance in place. Looking for leaders for a breakfast ride and help with the welcome rides. Steve reported rides for every day of the week but Monday.

*Racing as reported by Patrick. Race rides/training is on Tuesday night.

*Off Road as reported by Phil. Franke trail maintenance continues. Plan to install marker post on the west loop and clean trail.

*Publicity as reported by Donna thru Patrick. May Madness & Indiana Tandem Rally
poster created, printed and distributed. Information to Journal Gazette and Visit Fort Wayne. Was contacted by Senior Living for an article on senior (age 50 to 65) cyclist living the active life. Mike Heyes to be interviewed. Working with Massage Envy for interest in supporting club rides. Next project is Three Rivers Festival tour.

*Newsletter as reported by Kathy. Kathy thanked all contributors for getting information to her by the 18th of each month so newsletters are out in a timely manner. Up dated the membership brochure. As reported above updated jersey and bin inventory. The G.R.O. weekday group will now join the weekend rides. Anyone welcome to join the group with the goal of teaching group/pace riding and proper group riding skills.

*Membership as reported by Greg. Total of 166 paid memberships. 112 single members and 54 families for a total of 220 members.

*Web master as reported by Mike thru Patrick. Updated all schedules, contact list of officers, menus to include touring and racing schedules. Changed the 3RVS Facebook page banner image. Investigating process to scan all old printed newsletters for viewing on website. Updated Greenway page to show Fort Wayne trails website.

*Additional Items of Interest.
-Kathy reported May Madness volunteers have been meeting to confirm plans are in place.

-Fort 4 Fitness would like 3RVS club information as well as ride information to include in the event packet handout. The event is expecting 2000 riders this year.

-Phil reported on the Nitro display. The portable pump display will be used at events to demonstrate off road skills. The Nitro group will build 3 displays with the 3RVS logo as advertising for the club. Patrick made a motion to fund the building of the displays with Earnie second. Motion passed.

-Trek the Trails Sponsorship. Discussion with the many levels of sponsorship and the involvement of club. Patrick made a motion to donate at the “Mid-level” with Phil second. Motion passed.

-Huntington Bike challenge was discussed. The vote in 2012 was not to support the event in 2013. With renewed interest by the touring group Earnie will check with the event leader to see how we can remain involved and enter the touring group as competitors. Due to time shortage this discussion will continue at the next meeting.

-Meeting Adjourned 9:10.

Prepared by Secretary Officer Tim Claypool