Author Topic: January 2019 club meeting mintes  (Read 1513 times)


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January 2019 club meeting mintes
« on: January 25, 2019, 04:22:41 PM »
JANUARY 3, 2019

1. Call to Order
•   Meeting called to order 7:30 PM by Patrick. Club Members present included Patrick Stelte, Johnny Grabowski, Hugh Smith, Steve Pequignot, Mona Will, Jack Campbell, Doug Wintin, Marty Smolinski, Roiann Smolinski, Pamela Fennell, Tim Fennell, Phil Snider, Randy Rozewicz, Mike Page, Scott Tomsits, Amy Copeland, Kymberly Byers, Jennifer Altherr, Ron Harmon, Dave McComb, Charles Copeland, Brad Smith

2. Election of Officers
•   Amy Copeland nominated Jennifer Altherr for Club Secretary. Patrick allowed Jennifer to state the reasons for her pursuing the office. In favor of Jennifer’s nomination, Johnny Grabowski withdrew his nomination and endorsed Jennifer, who was elected to the position due to no-contest.
•   Hugh Smith expressed interest in eventually resigning from the Treasurer position and suggested nominating Johnny, but Patrick expressed concern that the nature of the office of the Treasurer necessitates a period of mentorship to ensure smooth transition to the next treasurer. Johnny agreed to mentoring with Hugh and allowing time for any other members who may want to express interest in the position.
•   Patrick expressed appreciation to Steve Pequignot for his impressive tenure as Touring Director and presented an award.
•   Patrick nominated Amy Copeland for the position of Vice President and she was unanimously elected.
•   2019 Club Officers elected are:
⁃   President - Patrick Stelte
⁃   Vice President - Amy Copeland
⁃   Treasurer - Hugh Smith
⁃   Touring Director - Doug Wintin
⁃   Racing Director - Dave McComb
⁃   Off-Road Director - Randy Rozewicz
⁃   Publicity Director - Pamela Fennell
⁃   Membership Director - Amy Copeland
⁃   Newsletter - Scott Tomsits
⁃   Webmaster - Mike Heyes

3. Passage of Minutes
•   Passage of December meeting minutes.

4. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary
•   December minutes passed earlier in the meeting.

Patrick Stelte, President’s Report
   •   Kymberly Byers proposed leveraging the upcoming 3RVS Awards Banquet to collect donations for the Heart of the City Mission. Mona Will and Pamela Fennell both voiced support for the charity work performed by the mission. Kymberly will take care of collecting the donations and delivering them to the mission. All in attendance were in favor.

Hugh Smith, Treasurer
•   Revenues were membership dues. Expenditures included storage unit rental, check printing fees, awards costs, and tech shirts. Racing balance and Franke Fund balance - stagnant.

Doug Wintin, Touring
•   Thank you to Steve Pequignot
•   Doug and Steve have met to ensure smooth transition. Steve has provided Doug with copies of all Touring assets, and will remain available to assist Doug as needed.

Dave McComb, Racing
•   Dave financial report - CX Franke practice season generated $452 to 3RVS
CX in review:  52 riders, 197 in all, 32 one week peak, 14 volunteers

•   Patrick proposed retaining profit from 2018 cyclocross season in a sub-account so that it will be available for potential future expenses related to Franke cyclocross, other racing activities or Franke trail improvements.
•   Request for club to pay for the USAC license for 2019
Fee is $200.  All in attendance voted in favor of 3RVS pay the fee.

Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road
•   Christmas Lights Ride was a success, with a busload of people (~25) in attendance, including road cyclists, off-road cyclists, and even a tandem.
•   Franke Park MOU follow-up, with agreement being re-written by the parks department.

Publicity, Pamela Fennell
•   Journal Gazette covered the Chilly Challenge in the January 2 issue

Amy Copeland, Membership
•   By end of December, 42 total Memberships, comprised of 20 Family and 22 Individual memberships
•   After Chilly Challenge, total is closer to 130
•   Expecting many registrations at the Awards Banquet in January

Scott Tomsits, Newsletter
•   Tech Shirt update:  53 orders to be ready for pick up at annual party.

Mike Heyes, Webmaster (not present)
•   Report submitted:  Added the Festival Touring webpage and links on the top of each page, updated Mona's Woolies schedule for January and part of March

4. Additional Items of Interest
•   Scott Tomsits has arranged for Cuore 3RVS Team Store to open with winter clothing items.

•   Chilly Challenge Wrap Up
202 approximate attendees, 23 memberships, $239 in donations, Roainn Smolinski, Kristine Lines, Susan Hunt and a variety of club members volunteered.  Chilly Facebook page (up for 2 weeks) had 3,800 visits, 31 responses, 77 interested and 154 that attended.

•   Annual Party Update:  Ziano’s food and catering

5. Good of the Order

6. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned. 8:55 pm

Minutes by departing Secretary Johnny Grabowski