Author Topic: November 2015 club meeting minutes  (Read 2609 times)


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November 2015 club meeting minutes
« on: November 20, 2015, 09:40:23 PM »
Club Meeting Minutes for November 5, 2015

*Officers present
Patrick Stelte, President
Hugh Smith, Treasurer
Steve Pequignot, Touring
Phil Snider, Off-Road
Jane Lewandowski, Membership
Kathy Boling, Newsletter
Mona Will, Publicity
Mike Heye,s Webmaster
Tim Claypool, Secretary
*Officers absent
Joe Bartels, Racing

Meeting called to order 7:30 by Patrick. Welcome extended to guest, members, and officers. Introduction of officers and members Dan Hamblin and Scott Tomsits.

-Minutes presented for meeting of October 1st 2015. Motion to accept minutes Jane, second by Mona. Vote carried minutes accepted.

2016 3RVS Century Ride Proposal:  Tim presented a proposal to the club for a partnership with Community Memorial Hospital in Hicksville, Ohio for the 2016 3RVS Century Tour. The hospital’s Health Fit physical therapy fund raising cycling event has been ongoing for many years.  However, their cycling event has received low turnout the last few years and they are asking for the club’s help to increase the number of riders for their event. Tim suggested moving the hospital’s event from May to August 27th 2016 and provide volunteers for our club Century ride. The ride will be on Phil Snider’s loop century course from years’ past.  The hospital will provide full SAG support, police escort for a mass start and a meal after the ride. For their efforts, the hospital will charge participants $20.00 preregistration and $25.00 day of event.  Discussion and ideas were shared. Steve suggested a discount to club members that will keep the price at $20 with proof of membership.  The benefits to the club include no overhead expenditures or club organization personnel.   The downside:  the ride will not be on Labor Day and a cost shift to individual riders.  A vote to accept proposal carried pending clarification of the Hospital’s liability coverage for the event.

-Treasurer’s report by Hugh. Debits included expenditures for the Jersey ride.  Deposits included membership dues, proceeds from century ride and clothing sales.

-Touring presented by Steve. Show N’ Go rides begin November 7th for the cooler season.  Steve reminded members to check the newsletter, club website and Facebook for up to date listings of ride schedules.  Also, Steve presented club memorabilia donated from a departed member’s spouse. Included were booklets and ride patches from the 70’s and 80’s.  Kathy and Mike explained the different patches and their purpose. Finally, Steve ordered the Strava Challenge awards to be presented at the End of Year party.  The cost $372.75 was previously approved.

-Off Road report by Phil.  Saturday rides continue.  Planning trail clean-up with NITRO group. Christmas lights ride is December 17th 6:00 PM Lawton Park parking lot near greenhouses.
Pre Chilly ride December 26th 1:00 PM North Side Park pavilion.

-Newsletter report by Kathy. December will be just reminder of EOY party, Lights ride, and Chilly.

-Membership report by Jane.  Members include 136 family and 184 individual for a total 320 members.  Jane reported 87 new members to the club in 2015.

-Publicity report by Mona.  Mona and Susan Hunt will co-host the 2016 Chilly Challenge. They will be returning to the original theme of a homemade chili contest.  Mona will invite members to share their best chili recipes for the challenge.  Mona shared a Journal Gazette newspaper article with highlights of the 3RVS National Bike Challenge.  Mona also presented a detailed offering and cost of survey companies.  As publicity director, Mona is interested in collecting club members thoughts on how the club officers can better serve its members.  Patrick asked for an idea of more specific goals before proceeding.  Steve explained the downside to online survey companies related to cost and control of content questions.  Steve suggested we use our existing website with the help of our webmaster Mike rather than an outside vendor.  Idea tabled pending further details.

-Racing No report-
-Website report by Mike. Mike has been busy updating the website with enhancements and improved security.  Mike has improved the photo album on Facebook to include stories.

Additional Items of Interest.
*End of Year Party. This year’s party will be held at Sweetwater Sound Conference Hall.  Sweetwater’s kitchen will also cater the food for the party. Members present made a difficult decision from entrée 5 plans offered for a fixed price per head. The winning menu will include Pulled Pork BBQ with garlic mashed potatoes, cilantro lime coleslaw, Herb Marinated Grilled Chicken, grilled vegetables, steamed red skins as well as soft drinks. An exciting program will conclude the evening with a guest speaker and club awards. Cost for the event is compatible with previous EOY parties.

*Officer elections will be in January. Any members wishing to be nominated should send your name and interested office to the

*Due to time shortage agenda item Group Riding Guidelines was tabled to the January meeting.

Meeting adjourned.
Prepared by Tim Claypool, Secretary.