Latest News / March 2022 club meeting minutes
« Last post by Patrick on April 07, 2022, 02:44:56 PM »THREE RIVERS VELO SPORT
March 3, 2022
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order 6:30 PM by Amy Copeland
Officers present include Rick Bokern, Valerie Vasquez, Patrick Stelte, and Dave McComb.
Welcome extended to all in attendance Rich Swihart, Ray Vasquez, Kyra Vasquez and Michael Souers.
2. Passage of Minutes
Passage of February meeting minutes
3. Officer Reports
Presidents Report – Amy Copeland
Amy purchased 2 table runners and 2 banners with 3RVS logo for $103. The club received $18 for Giving Tuesday matching funding. Amy announced David Coar has returned to Trek Bicycles as manager. Also, Amy has approach businesses about sponsoring the Christmas Lights ride at Franke Park.
Treasurer’s Report – Valerie Vasquez
Expenditures include Franke Pavilion reservation for the Jersey Ride, Hodges Badge Company for annual club banquet, club logo table runners and banners for a total cost of $962.33. Revenues include memberships.
Touring Report – Scott Tomsits (absent)
No Report.
Racing Report – Dave McComb
Gary Painter will help set dates for the 3RVS Time Trial Series.
Off-Road - Randy Rozewicz (absent)
No Report.
Publicity – Mona Will (absent)
No report.
Membership – Rick Bokern
Total Memberships 122 total adults 163
Individual 82, Family 40 (81 adults)
13 memberships added in February.
Newsletter – No Officer
No report.
Social Media – Andrea Epple (absent)
No Report.
4. Other Business
- Annual Banquet: awards have arrived; menu includes 20 lbs. of pulled pork and 20 lbs. of BBQ chicken for a total of $580 for 120 people. Full budget of $1000. Invitations sent via e-mail with volunteer link. Timeline: Set up at noon with doors open at 12:30pm and meal served at 1pm with awards to follow. Sound system procured.
- 3RVS logo use request: 1st Friday sample t-shirts and items for future sale by club.
- Proposed new officer position: Youth Development Director. Michael Souers made a presentation with job description and discussion of need for the club. The YDD would oversee all youth riding disciplines for riders 23 years old and younger. The YDD would be responsible for developing, delivering and administering community-based programs on behalf of 3RVS. Responsibilities also include connecting with all inquiries related to cycling youth development from other organizations such as partnering with schools. The YDD will supervise programs and activities, train and develop schedules with recruits as needed. The objective of this position is to grow cycling in the community through 3RVS. Finally, the YDD would need to pass a background check.
- Trek the Trails requested sponsorship for their 2022 season. Officers and club members in attendance approved a $500 donation.
- 3RVS logo decals: motion to re-allocate left over money for banner and table cloth expenditures to purchase decals for club members to be distributed at the annual banquet.
- Val and Ray Vasquez requested Trailblazer business cards to hand out at all NEIC events, and functions to promote the group. All in attendance agreed to fund the request up to $100.
- Rick Bokern announced that the Rotary Club has a volunteer service project to clean up Franke Park trails.
- Justin Shirley, Executive Director of the Three Rivers Festival contacted Patrick to request 3RVS to help organize a bike ride during the TRF. Justin’s suggestion of a casual trail ride mimic’s the club’s First Friday City Tour. Officers and attendees have taken the suggestion under consideration.
5. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned. 7:55 PM
Minutes by Secretary Patrick Stelte
March 3, 2022
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order 6:30 PM by Amy Copeland
Officers present include Rick Bokern, Valerie Vasquez, Patrick Stelte, and Dave McComb.
Welcome extended to all in attendance Rich Swihart, Ray Vasquez, Kyra Vasquez and Michael Souers.
2. Passage of Minutes
Passage of February meeting minutes
3. Officer Reports
Presidents Report – Amy Copeland
Amy purchased 2 table runners and 2 banners with 3RVS logo for $103. The club received $18 for Giving Tuesday matching funding. Amy announced David Coar has returned to Trek Bicycles as manager. Also, Amy has approach businesses about sponsoring the Christmas Lights ride at Franke Park.
Treasurer’s Report – Valerie Vasquez
Expenditures include Franke Pavilion reservation for the Jersey Ride, Hodges Badge Company for annual club banquet, club logo table runners and banners for a total cost of $962.33. Revenues include memberships.
Touring Report – Scott Tomsits (absent)
No Report.
Racing Report – Dave McComb
Gary Painter will help set dates for the 3RVS Time Trial Series.
Off-Road - Randy Rozewicz (absent)
No Report.
Publicity – Mona Will (absent)
No report.
Membership – Rick Bokern
Total Memberships 122 total adults 163
Individual 82, Family 40 (81 adults)
13 memberships added in February.
Newsletter – No Officer
No report.
Social Media – Andrea Epple (absent)
No Report.
4. Other Business
- Annual Banquet: awards have arrived; menu includes 20 lbs. of pulled pork and 20 lbs. of BBQ chicken for a total of $580 for 120 people. Full budget of $1000. Invitations sent via e-mail with volunteer link. Timeline: Set up at noon with doors open at 12:30pm and meal served at 1pm with awards to follow. Sound system procured.
- 3RVS logo use request: 1st Friday sample t-shirts and items for future sale by club.
- Proposed new officer position: Youth Development Director. Michael Souers made a presentation with job description and discussion of need for the club. The YDD would oversee all youth riding disciplines for riders 23 years old and younger. The YDD would be responsible for developing, delivering and administering community-based programs on behalf of 3RVS. Responsibilities also include connecting with all inquiries related to cycling youth development from other organizations such as partnering with schools. The YDD will supervise programs and activities, train and develop schedules with recruits as needed. The objective of this position is to grow cycling in the community through 3RVS. Finally, the YDD would need to pass a background check.
- Trek the Trails requested sponsorship for their 2022 season. Officers and club members in attendance approved a $500 donation.
- 3RVS logo decals: motion to re-allocate left over money for banner and table cloth expenditures to purchase decals for club members to be distributed at the annual banquet.
- Val and Ray Vasquez requested Trailblazer business cards to hand out at all NEIC events, and functions to promote the group. All in attendance agreed to fund the request up to $100.
- Rick Bokern announced that the Rotary Club has a volunteer service project to clean up Franke Park trails.
- Justin Shirley, Executive Director of the Three Rivers Festival contacted Patrick to request 3RVS to help organize a bike ride during the TRF. Justin’s suggestion of a casual trail ride mimic’s the club’s First Friday City Tour. Officers and attendees have taken the suggestion under consideration.
5. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned. 7:55 PM
Minutes by Secretary Patrick Stelte