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Latest News / March 2022 club meeting minutes
« Last post by Patrick on April 07, 2022, 02:44:56 PM »
March 3, 2022

1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order 6:30 PM by Amy Copeland
Officers present include Rick Bokern, Valerie Vasquez, Patrick Stelte, and Dave McComb.
Welcome extended to all in attendance Rich Swihart, Ray Vasquez, Kyra Vasquez and Michael Souers.

2. Passage of Minutes
Passage of February meeting minutes

3. Officer Reports

Presidents Report – Amy Copeland
Amy purchased 2 table runners and 2 banners with 3RVS logo for $103.  The club received $18 for Giving Tuesday matching funding.  Amy announced David Coar has returned to Trek Bicycles as manager.  Also, Amy has approach businesses about sponsoring the Christmas Lights ride at Franke Park.

Treasurer’s Report – Valerie Vasquez
Expenditures include Franke Pavilion reservation for the Jersey Ride, Hodges Badge Company for annual club banquet, club logo table runners and banners for a total cost of $962.33. Revenues include memberships.

Touring Report – Scott Tomsits (absent)
No Report.

Racing Report – Dave McComb
Gary Painter will help set dates for the 3RVS Time Trial Series.

Off-Road - Randy Rozewicz (absent)
No Report.

Publicity – Mona Will (absent)
No report.

Membership – Rick Bokern
Total Memberships 122 total adults 163
Individual 82, Family 40 (81 adults)
13 memberships added in February.

Newsletter – No Officer
No report.

Social Media – Andrea Epple (absent)
No Report.

4. Other Business
- Annual Banquet:  awards have arrived; menu includes 20 lbs. of pulled pork and 20 lbs. of BBQ chicken for a total of $580 for 120 people.  Full budget of $1000.  Invitations sent via e-mail with volunteer link.  Timeline:  Set up at noon with doors open at 12:30pm and meal served at 1pm with awards to follow.  Sound system procured.

-  3RVS logo use request:  1st Friday sample t-shirts and items for future sale by club.

- Proposed new officer position:  Youth Development Director.  Michael Souers made a presentation with job description and discussion of need for the club.  The YDD would oversee all youth riding disciplines for riders 23 years old and younger.  The YDD would be responsible for developing, delivering and administering community-based programs on behalf of 3RVS.  Responsibilities also include connecting with all inquiries related to cycling youth development from other organizations such as partnering with schools.  The YDD will supervise programs and activities, train and develop schedules with recruits as needed.  The objective of this position is to grow cycling in the community through 3RVS.  Finally, the YDD would need to pass a background check.

- Trek the Trails requested sponsorship for their 2022 season.  Officers and club members in attendance approved a $500 donation.

- 3RVS logo decals:  motion to re-allocate left over money for banner and table cloth expenditures to purchase decals for club members to be distributed at the annual banquet.

- Val and Ray Vasquez requested Trailblazer business cards to hand out at all NEIC events, and functions to promote the group.  All in attendance agreed to fund the request up to $100.

- Rick Bokern announced that the Rotary Club has a volunteer service project to clean up Franke Park trails.

-  Justin Shirley, Executive Director of the Three Rivers Festival contacted Patrick to request 3RVS to help organize a bike ride during the TRF.  Justin’s suggestion of a casual trail ride mimic’s the club’s First Friday City Tour.  Officers and attendees have taken the suggestion under consideration.

5. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned. 7:55 PM
Minutes by Secretary Patrick Stelte
Latest News / February 2022 club meeting minutes
« Last post by Patrick on February 28, 2022, 09:28:48 PM »
February 3, 2022
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order 7:34 PM by Amy Copeland
Officers present include Rick Bokern, Valerie Vasquez, Andrea Epple, Patrick Stelte, Dave
McComb, Mona Will, Scott Tomsits, and Randy Rozewicz.
Welcome extended to all in attendance Charlie Copeland, Phil Snider, and Michael Souers.

2. Passage of Minutes
Passage of January meeting minutes

3. Officer Reports

Presidents Report – Amy Copeland
Amy reported on Officer’s Retreat held Sunday, January 30th. Dave, Rick, Patrick and Andrea
attended with Scott arriving later. A 2022 club calendar was discussed and filled in with all
relevant events and dates given a tentative starting date. Highlights include club party on
Sunday, March 27th @ Franke pavilion #1, opening weekend ride schedule for Saturday, April
30th, Summit City Cycling Challenge (Formerly Festival Tour) on July 22-24th, Labor Day Triple
Century Challenge September 3-5th, Jersey Ride on Saturday, September 24th, Christmas Lights
Ride on Sunday, December 18th; as well as September Touring Challenge, Fort 4 Fitness, Time
Trial Series, weekly rides, cyclocross practice, NEIC races on July 31st (Winnoa Lake) and
August 14th (Zoolander at Franke), 2023 Chilly Challenge and 2023 Annual Banquet on January
6, 7, or 8 (TBD).

Treasurer’s Report – Valerie Vasquez
 Expenditures include USPS P.O. Box 6-month renewal,
Chilly Challenge and Summit City Cycling Challenging; Income includes
Membership, Chilly Challenge, Facebook Giving Tuesday donations.

Touring Report – Scott Tomsits
Opening Weekend Ride Schedule is Saturday, April 30th. Location TBD. Zwift League for
3RVS is being organized.

Racing Report – Dave McComb
No report.

Off-Road - Randy Rozewicz
Randy attended a meeting with Parks Department personnel on January 18th along with other
interested parties to discuss the future plans for Franke Park. This year, an entry off Goshen will
begin construction with completion, hopefully, by the end of the year. Design Collaborative has
been hired to do the Franke Master Plan design work starting in 2023.

Publicity – Mona Will
No report.
Membership – Rick Bokern
Total Memberships 106; total adults 142
Family 35 (71 adults)
Individual 71
13 memberships added in January.

Newsletter – Scott Tomsits No report.

Social Media – Andrea Epple
E-mail hosting moved to Google Workspace. Chilly Challenge and Summit City Cycling
Challenge accounts also moved to Google Workspace. Biggest challenge moving forward is to
tie 3RVS events to new Three Rivers Velo Sport, Inc. Facebook page (non-profit) under events tab. Publicity on Facebook for club events will occur on this page under events tab. The non-
profit status of the club needs to keep all events together.

4. Other Business

- 2022 NEIC budget is estimated at $14,308. Expenditures of $11,185 include t-shirts, race
plates, cookout, End of Year party, trailer maintenance, TeamSnap, re-stock first aid, Zoolander
and Cherry Creek races, fuel costs, MiSCA coach trainer certification. Income of 14,308
includes NEIC registrations and race registrations; as well as sponsorships. - Move to approve funds for 2022 Jersey Ride on September 24th

- Christmas Lights Ride set for December 18th

- Fantasy of Lights Blue Jacket partnership. Special Bike Rider Night by Blue Jacket with
$3000 sponsorship (Blue Jacket finds money) of which the club will receive 70 %, Blue Jacket
30%. 3RVS picks up the cost to hold the ride and collect the ticket sales. This is considered to
be a fundraising event for the club and is directly a result of non-profit status. The date of the
ride is December 15th.

- Classic Bicycle Auburn proposed partnership on August 26-28th. Event organizer approached
Amy about helping with organizing the touring day. Details from organizer are loose at time and
there is no certainty that 3RVS will commit. However, Michael Souers has volunteered to work
with organizer about 3RVS participation.

- Andrea Epple was nominated and accepted as 3RVS Vice-President.

5. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned. 8:00 PM
Minutes by Secretary Patrick Stelte
Latest News / January 2022 club meeting minutes
« Last post by Patrick on January 14, 2022, 06:15:29 PM »
January 6, 2022

1. Call to Order
●   Meeting called to order 6:30 PM by John Grabowski
●   Officers present include John Grabowski, Amy Copeland, Rick Bokern, Randy Rozewicz, Scott Tomsits, Andrea Epple, and Dave McComb
●   Welcome extended to all in attendance including Valerie Vasquez, Ray Vasquez, Kyra Vasquez, Patrick Stelte, Mona Will, Randy Wolfe, and Charles Copeland
2. Passage of Minutes
●   December meeting minutes approved.
3. Officer Reports

Jennifer Altherr, Secretary (absent)
John Grabowski, President
●   n/a
Amy Copeland, Treasurer
○   Revenues include memberships, 501(c)(3) donations received via Facebook, clothing sales
○   Expenditures include Christmas Lights Ride admission and tailgating refreshments, Chilly Challenge supplemental insurance premium, and Trailblazer end of year party.
●   Other:
○   Facebook Giving Tuesday drive - $350 direct deposit received, with additional $120 due to arrive mid-January 2022 for total of $470 in funds received related to Giving Tuesday campaign.
○   P.O. Box renewed through July 31, 2022.
○   2021 Indiana State Tax filing completed. Federal site not yet open for filing.
○   64 total riders participated in Christmas Lights Ride - largest ever. Blue Jacket thanked 3RVS for ease of execution this year
Rick Bokern, Membership
●   2022 Current Membership - 75
●   2021 members not yet renewed - 216
Scott Tomsits, Newsletter
●   No January Newsletter sent - instead, an email about the January meeting / Officer elections was sent to all 3RVS members
Michael Souers, Touring (absent)
●   N/A

Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road
●   Franke Park MOU renewal with Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation completed and signed. New agreement is effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2024.
●   Trail maintenance ongoing. Improvements in process at the skills course
●   Some basic trail signage is being implemented
Dave McComb, Racing
●   Added one person to team - Angel Campos
Andrea Epple, Social Media
●   Continued work on 3RVS website redesign
4. Additional Items of Interest
●   Amy: request to approve funds for ordering awards for upcoming Annual Awards Banquet. Motion passed to approve up to $500 for the ordering of awards.
●   Mona: Chili Challenge recap
○   38 attendees
○   Donations totaling $35 received
○   Expenses were $61.89
○   Sold 1 jersey, 2 water bottles, 1 pair of socks
○   Discussion about re-route that included Coliseum Blvd
○   New start/finish location was good, Mona would like to schedule 2023 event at the same location
●   Mona & Patrick: Summit City Cycling Challenge (formerly Festival Tour) update
○   “Save the Date” business cards printed. These will be used in place of rack cards, which will not be printed/used in 2022 as an expense reduction measure.
○   Looking for someone to maintain and monitor Facebook page and respond quickly as needed.
5. Officer Elections
●   Officer Nominations already received
○   Amy Copeland nominated for President
○   Rick Bokern nominated for Membership Director
○   Randy Rozewicz nominated for Off-Road Director
○   Andrea Eple nominated for Social Media Director
●   Additional Officer Nominations
○   Scott Tomsits nominated for Touring Director
○   Dave McComb nominated for Race Director
○   Mona Will nominated for Publicity Director
○   Patrick Stelte nominated for Secretary
○   Valerie Vasquez nominated for Treasurer
○   One remaining Officer position (Newsletter) - no nomination
●   Since no more than one person nominated per post, all were appointed to their respective posts (and no election vote necessary).
●   Thank you to all who served as officers in 2021, and congratulations and thank you in advance to all 2022 officers.
5.  Good of the Order
●   Scott: Trek Fort Wayne: Scott stopped by Trek Fort Wayne and spoke to Marcus about potential of reviving 3RVS partnership with the shop. Marcus is open to discussing, but wants 3RVS to understand that the shop does have to work through Trek corporate parameters / procedures. Amy volunteered to schedule a meeting with Marcus to discuss.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25PM

Latest News / November 2021 club meeting minutes
« Last post by Patrick on November 26, 2021, 09:51:04 PM »
November 4, 2021
1. Call to Order
● Meeting called to order 6:32 PM by Amy Copeland
● Officers present include Jennifer Altherr, Dave McComb, Amy Copeland, Andrea Epple, Michael Souers,
Randy Rozewicz, Scott Tomsits
● Welcome extended to all in attendance including Valerie Vasquez, Ray Vasquez, Rich Swihart, Patrick
Stelte, Phil Snider, Randy Wolf, Mona Will
2. Passage of Minutes
● Prior month's meeting minutes passed earlier in the meeting.
3. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary
John Grabowski, President (absent)
● n/a
Amy Copeland, Treasurer

○ Revenues include memberships, CX practice donations, clothing sales, Zoolander registration
○ Expenditures include Festival Tour pavilion rental, touring map printing, jersey ride food, Ride
with GPS club account, Cider ride food, CX stakes

● Other:
○ Recap of the Jersey ride - Good turnout, positive reviews. $270.34 expenses.
○ Cider and Cemetery ride was last Saturday $56.09 expenses
○ $80 has been prepaid for Ride With GPS account for the year and Shane was reimbursed
○ 501(c)(3) has been approved. Membership fees are not tax deductible. State tax exemption has
been filed and waiting for ST105 certificate.
Michael Souers, Touring
● Show 'n’ Go rides beginning
● Michael will put together a Hops ‘n’ Swaps meet at 2TOMS - Participants will be able to sell any type of
bike-related items. Michael will share more later.
Dave McComb, Racing
● Last time trial had a good turn-out
● Dave wants new safety signage for the time trial for next year
● CX season has ended and went well
Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road
● Working with Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation on the Franke Park MOU renewal. Randy is asking for
reciprocity to be added to the MOU to protect 3RVS.
● Talking with Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation about creating a sitting area with picnic tables behind the
Franke kiosk. Also discussing the creation of a skills area on the right side of the kiosk.
● Talking about adding safety signage at Franke
TBD, Publicity
● n/a
Rick Bokern, Membership (absent)
● 288 memberships
● 393 adults
Scott Tomsits, Newsletter
● Newsletter was distributed today
Andrea Epple, Webmaster
● Working on moving email host to Gmail for the club
4. Additional Items of Interest
● Amy: If you, or someone you know is interested in running for Treasurer position for 2022, please contact
Amy. Amy will mentor the new Treasurer through the process.
● Amy: Annual Awards Banquet - Sunday March 27 at Franke Pavilion 1. Those present approved funds to
reserve the venue, the date and the location.
● Mona: Shoaff Park River Lodge will be the location for the Chilly Challenge event.
○ Mona needs volunteers to help with food. Please contact Mona if you can help.
■ $200 budget approved by those present.
○ Mass start will be 1PM.
○ The event will not be in the printed Fun Times publication, but will be in the digital version.
● Mona: Bicycle Indiana Resource Guide donation request - $120 requested to fulfill obligation to pay
Bicycle Indiana $1/person for Festival Tour participants. Those present approved.
● Amy: Christmas Lights Ride - Thurs December 16, 6:00PM at Lawton Park
○ Blue Jacket did not agree to a flat fee. They are willing to charge $2/rider. Decision by those
present to approve Blue Jacket invoicing the club, with a $150 budget. If the invoice is higher,
then it will be discussed at the subsequent club meeting.
○ Discussion about tailgating at the old Diehm museum parking lot for cookies and hot cocoa.
○ Amy will talk with Blue Jacket on an inclement weather date of Tuesday, December 21
○ Jr MTB NEIC will cover the tailgating food and supplies out of their fund
○ Amy briefly shared her idea of a public and club fundraiser Christmas Lights ride for 2022
5. Good of the Order
● n/a
Meeting at the library adjourned at 7:31PM
Latest News / October 2021 club meeting minutes
« Last post by Patrick on November 02, 2021, 09:30:41 PM »
October 7, 2021
1. Call to Order
● Meeting called to order 6:35 PM by Johnny Grabowski
● Officers present include Jennifer Altherr, Dave McComb, Amy Copeland, Rick Bokern, Scott Tomsits,
Johnny Grabowski
● Welcome extended to all in attendance including Valerie Vasquez, Ray Vasquez, Rich Swihart, Patrick
2. Passage of Minutes
● Prior month's meeting minutes passed earlier in the meeting.
3. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary
John Grabowski, President
● n/a
Amy Copeland, Treasurer
○ Revenues included memberships, NEIC registrations, NEIC Zoolander sponsorship, XC practice
fees, bank cancelled check
○ Expenditures included pavilion rental for Jersey Ride, website hosting, fee to amend 3RVS
Articles of Incorporation, online filing fee, NEIC bike helmet purchase, reissue of a check, NEIC
Zoolander USAC race fees, NEIC web domain and hosting
● Articles of Incorporation to become a non-profit organization: In progress
● Andrea transferred the Ride With GPS account to the club - $80/annually auto-renewal
● 3RVS membership registration changing from Red Podium to
Michael Souers, Touring (Presented by Johnny in Michael's absence)
● Jersey ride October 16 - Need volunteers to help serve food
● Touring schedule wrapping up at end of October, after which Show ‘n’ Go weekend rides will be
coordinated and promoted by Steve Souers
Dave McComb, Racing
● Time Trial had participation of 8 riders
● Cyclocross (CX) going well
● Todd Andersen won the Barry Rubaix race for his age group
● NEIC (Valerie Vasquez) - Shared documentation of NEIC usage of Outride grant funds
Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road (absent)
● n/a
TBD, Publicity
● n/a
Rick Bokern, Membership
● 286 memberships
● 391 adults
Scott Tomsits, Newsletter
● Newsletter was distributed
Andrea Epple, Webmaster (Johnny presented in Andrea's absence)
● Ride Leaders - please forward to Andrea any updates to the ride calendar, such as rides that have ended
for the year.
4. Additional Items of Interest
● Amy & Johnny - Monthly 3RVS board meetings will begin at 6:30PM until further notice, as ongoing
library hours are not firm.
● Rick - A club member living in Colorado wants to organize a vintage bicycle event at the ACD museum
the week before Labor Day 2022. The event would include a short bike ride. Website:
● Amy - Fantasy of Lights Ride organizers contacted Amy asking if we want to have a bike night again. Last
year they charged $5/bike and participants paid their own entry fee, but in prior years, 3RVS was offered
a “bus rate” which was a lower price. Phil is planning a Holiday Lights ride on Thursday December 16.
Amy will talk to Fantasy of Lights Ride organizers to see what they are willing to offer.
● Amy and Jennifer - Funding request for October 30 Fall Foliage local destination ride
○ Request for $75 for cider and donuts.
○ Request approved for not to exceed $150 approved by those present.
● Patrick - Holiday party for this year?
○ Discussion about using Franke pavillion again.
○ Discussion on whether to have it around the holidays or in the spring.
● Patrick - Attended planning meeting for Festival Tour, including renaming/rebranding.
○ Ride scheduled for weekend of July 23-24, 2022
○ Planning for 3-day event similar to 2021, with road ride, gravel ride, and greenway ride
○ Road ride planned for Saturday (was previously Sunday) and Gravel ride planned for Sunday
(was previously Saturday).
○ Re-branding to disassociate from the Three Rivers Festival, which will allow date flexibility and
can better represent the event. New name not finalized yet.
○ Considering a “challenge” format with medallion instead of swag. Medallions for completing the
century route, for example. Several board members suggested making sure that challenges are
designed to be inclusive to all riders’ individual achievements.
○ Discussion about whether to offer t-shirts. Dave McComb knows a vendor that can print t-shirts
○ Goals are to reduce large expenses that didn’t seem to have an impact (e.g. swag water bottles
and cages) and increase participation
5. Good of the Order
● n/a
Meeting at the library adjourned at 7:51PM
Latest News / September 2021 Club Meeting Minutes
« Last post by Patrick on October 07, 2021, 09:26:16 PM »
September 2, 2021

1. Call to Order
● Meeting called to order 6:30 PM by Amy Copeland
● Officers present include Jennifer Altherr, Dave McComb, Amy Copeland, Andrea Epple, Rick Bokern,
Michael Souers, Scott Tomsits
● Welcome extended to all in attendance including Jack Campbell, Valerie Vasquez, Mona Will, Rich
Swihart, Patrick Stelte
2. Passage of Minutes
● August 2021 meeting minutes approved..
3. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary
John Grabowski, President (Amy Copeland in Johnny's absence)
● n/a
Amy Copeland, Treasurer

○ Revenues included: 3RS memberships, Festival Tour registrations, Festival Tour clothing, NEIC
registrations, NEIC team donation, FW Outfitters Zoolander race sponsorship
○ Expenditures included: Annual insurance premium, Printing for Open Streets, First Friday City
Tour prizes, CX Series supplemental medical insurance, NEIC Outride funds reimbursement,
NEIC Outride supplies and trailer build hooks, NEIC team shirts
○ NEIC Zoolander race expenditures included: race supplies, porta potty, event insurance, food,
signage, race support services.

● Amy, Andrea and Rick are discussing changing the club back to instead of Red Podium.
Amy indicates it is more user friendly and more secure.
● 501c3 status will be at least 45 additional days
Michael Souers, Touring
● Distributed October touring schedule at the meeting
● September Touring Challenge has begun
Dave McComb, Racing
● Last night was first CX practice with 13 riders, $57. Purchased 48 stakes.
● Worked out CX insurance.
● Delivered kits to the team.
● Dave isn't going to the Saturn rides due to a schedule conflict. So, the Saturn ride could be taken off the
schedule or left as a Show N Go
Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road (absent)
● n/a
TBD, Publicity
● n/a
Rick Bokern, Membership
● 283 memberships
● 388 adults
Scott Tomsits, Newsletter
● Newsletter went out yesterday. People are doing better with getting articles to Scott on time.
Andrea Epple, Social Media
● The new website won't be worked on until this winter.
4. Additional Items of Interest
● Poll officers regarding nominations for same positions in January or vacancies to seek candidates -
○ Secretary: Jennifer will not seek Secretary position for 2022, effectively resigning at the end of
○ Touring: Michael Souers is undecided
○ Racing: Dave McComb will continue to serve
○ Publicity: Mona Will is willing to serve if no one else interested
○ Membership: Rick Bokern will continue to serve
○ Newsletter - Scott Tomsits will continue to serve
○ Social Media - Andrea Epple will continue to serve
○ Treasurer - Amy Copeland will continue to serve. However, if Johnny doesn’t continue as
President and the President role needs to be filled, Amy would be interested - but only if the
Treasurer position is filled.
● 2022 Festival Tour planning -
○ Mona is looking for a volunteer coordinator for the 2022 Festival Tour.
○ Mona is also looking for someone with marketing/social media skills.
○ Meetings are held via Zoom to minimize traveling
○ If you know of anyone interested in either role, please let Mona know.
○ July 10, 2022 is the tentative date for the 2022 Festival Tour. Plan is to continue with the
Friday/Saturday/Sunday ride format including a casual ride/gravel ride/road ride.
● Festival Tour wrap-up - Net income $961.27.
● Mona presented a spreadsheet of expenses and income
● Water bottle/cages leftover from the Festival tour: Cost was $10 each. We have approximately 104 (total
expense to 3RVS of $1,040). Proposal to sell them for $10 each, or keep them to use for next year's
Festival Tour or another event as swag.
○ Those present determined we would keep the water bottles/cages to use for a future
● Publicity Officer opening will be published in the October newsletter - Mona is willing to accept a
● Code of Conduct - Discussion of Johnny's draft. Those present voted to accept the draft as written. It will
be added as by-law 1.8 on the club website.
○ Andrea will email the most recent Three Rivers Velo Sport Constitution to the club officers
● Jersey Ride - The previously proposed date of September 24 is unavailable for the Franke Park pavilion
○ October 16 is available and will be the date of the Jersey ride for this year.
○ Pavilion rental is $61.
○ The budget will be $600, agreed upon by those present
○ The event will be RSVP to enable food planning.
○ The event is free for club members. There will be a $5 charge for guests to cover food.
○ Amy will send Rick last year's email template, and Rick will send it using the email distribution
5. Good of the Order
● Mona -
○ Last weekend 3RVS participated in Open Streets for the first time. 3RVS conducted a group ride
with 2 ride leaders and 1 participant..
○ The Open Streets event was very well-attended overall.
○ There was no cost to 3RVS to have a booth at the event.
○ The 3RVS Open Streets booth was on the Indiana Michigan Power Center - Good location
■ Suggestion for the club to get a logo table covering. The table logo covering/drape
could be re-used for other events.
■ Those present voted to approve a budget of $250 to buy a logo table
covering/drape. Mona and Dave will work on the purchase.
■ The banner at the back of the tent was effective.
■ There was a sheet listing the club's rides.
■ We didn't have a giveaway.
■ Due to wind, Mona suggests that next year we have weights to hold down our booth's
Meeting at the library adjourned at 7:20PM
Latest News / August 2021 Club Meeting Minutes
« Last post by Patrick on October 07, 2021, 09:24:25 PM »
August 6, 2021

1. Call to Order
● Meeting called to order 6:32 PM by Johnny Grabowski
● Officers present include Johnny Grabowski, Jennifer Altherr, Dave McComb, Amy Copeland, Randy
Rozewicz, Andrea Egeland, Rick Bokern, Michael Souers
● Welcome extended to all in attendance including Jack Campbell, Raymon Vasquez, Valerie Vasquez,
Mona Will, Rich Swihart, Joe Bartels, Randy Wolf
2. Passage of Minutes
● June and July meeting minutes passed.
3. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary
John Grabowski, President
● Club officers - Please try to be at the meetings. If you can't attend please send Johnny your report.
● Ride leaders - Johnny has heard about a few accidents on club rides but hasn't seen the incident reports.
Please get the incident reports filled out and turned in to avoid delays.
● Pamela is resigning from the Publicity Director position. We'll post the opening. If you know someone
who may be interested let Johnny know.
● Johnny distributed a proposed Code of Conduct draft for discussion. Discussion included simplifying /
shortening the draft. Johnny will revise the draft and bring it back for future discussion.
● Youth Development Director discussion - Michael Souers proposed the possibility of creating a new
position to not only be a liaison between the kids mountain bike racers, but also to reach kids through
other avenues such as Open Streets and other kid-centric cycling initiatives.
○ Discussion about following NICA guidelines such as background checks for adult leaders,
parents being present during activities, etc.
○ Those present agreed to explore the subject further in future meetings
○ A written role definition and guidelines will need to be created
● Discussion on whether to include Zwift virtual rides in the September Touring Challenge. Those present
voted to include Zwift miles in the September challenge. Michael said that Steve Pequignot had
volunteered to track, compile, and post September Touring Challenge data and results.
● Jersey Ride Date Discussion. Possible date of September 26 at Franke Park?
● Ride with GPS 3RVS Club account discussion - Decision to keep the routes on Shane's personal account
until a solution is identified to move the routes so we don't lose them.
Amy Copeland, Treasurer

○ Revenues include memberships, NEIC registrations, Festival Tour registrations, Festival Tour
clothing, NEIC sponsorship
○ Expenditures include Festival Tour rack card printing, map printing, volunteer refund, signage,
ice cream, SAG supplies, pavilion rental, Party Apart inflatable start/finish rental; NEIC
Zoolander event race awards and race bibs; PO box renewal, and annual renewal of medical

● IRS 501c3 club application is still pending
● Festival Tour budget discussion - Amy distributed club reimbursement guidelines and a Constitutional
excerpt Article 5.0 Expenditures. These are existing guidelines and will be followed.
○ Michael brought up a $1600 NICA expense for a custom canopy - Those present voted to
approve the expense.
Michael Souers, Touring
● n/a
Dave McComb, Racing
● New kits are being shipped
● New team members
● CX start is being identified - Dave is working with Team Neighborlink
● Time Trials August 24 at Lincoln Highway
● Incident report filled out and sent in
Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road
● Continuing to receive positive comments about the Franke Park trails
● Randy is looking to have a discussion with Team Neighborlink about some trail building concerns -
Potential issue with the MOU between 3RVS and Parks Department about unauthorized trail building
Pamela Fennell, Publicity
● n/a
Rick Bokern, Membership
● 275 memberships
● 376 adults
Scott Tomsits, Newsletter (absent)
● Johnny reminded everyone to do their best to get newsletter articles to Scott on time
Andrea Egeland, Webmaster
● We have lost some club discounts - Outfitters has dropped the club discount due to club membership
behavior in the shop. No discount discussion has been put in place with Trek Fort Wayne (formerly
Summit City).
● Yesterday Andrea had to shut down a Facebook conversation due to inappropriate comments.
4. Additional Items of Interest
● n/a
5. Good of the Order
● n/a
Meeting at the library adjourned.
Latest News / July 2021 club meeting minutes
« Last post by Patrick on July 16, 2021, 06:31:54 PM »
July 1, 2021
1. Call to Order
● Meeting called to order 6:38 PM by John Grabowski
● Officers present include John Grabowski, Amy Copeland, Rick Bokern, Michael Souers, Scott Tomsits
● Welcome extended to all in attendance including Jack Campbell, Patrick Stelte, Joe Bartels, Mona Will
2. Passage of Minutes
● Insufficient officers present at start of meeting to pass minutes.
3. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary (not present)
John Grabowski, President
● New Logo / rebranding project - no new update at this time
Amy Copeland, Treasurer
○ Revenues include membership dues, Festival Tour registrations, Festival Tour jersey
purchases, NEIC sponsorships
○ Expenditures include Festival Tour jersey deposit and final payment, Festival Tour swag,
Festival Tour insurance, NEIC first aid supplies, NEIC trailer wrap, Festival Tour Loon
Lake port-o-potty rental.
● 3RVS’ application for 501(c)(3) status is still pending with the IRS, was not in process, but now
supposed to be done within 45 days per Amy
● Need better defined process for approval and processing of NEIC reimbursements. Joe Bartels and
Michael Souers to work with Ray Vasquez on improving process
Rick Bokern, Membership
● 112 family / 154 individual memberships for 266 total
● 367 adults
Michael Souers, Touring
● Michael is very excited to see the explosion of interest and participation happening with NEIC - he
feels it is deserving of 3RVS’ support in the interest of developing future cyclists / 3RVS
● Michael proposed future meeting agenda item of discussing possibility of adding NEIC Director
position to help support NEIC
● Michael asked whether 3RVS performs any regular SWOT analysis or similar analysis of strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, threats? Thinks it would be helpful for 3RVS to do something like that
annually to more formally determine how the club is fulfilling its mission.
● Wednesday night Arcola ride being added to schedule
● Thursday night Short & Sweet added to schedule
● Shane asked whether 3RVS wants to take over his RideWithGPS account, as all 3RVS courses
currently reside there. John to add topic to future meeting agenda.
Dave McComb, Racing (not present)
Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road (not present)
● Patrick brought up need for adding another person with storage container access in case Randy is
not available. Container has a lock, and it is inside a locked fence. Currently only 1 set of keys.
Pamela Fennell, Publicity (not present)
Scott Tomsits, Newsletter
● Awaiting newsletter articles
Andrea Egeland, Webmaster (not present)
● Some officers interested in whether they can be provided access to update the Google Calendar
for the 3RVS ride schedule.
4. Additional Items of Interest
Festival Tour update - Mona Will
● Still working to fill remaining Festival Tour volunteer slots
● Pre-registrations still ahead of 2019
● All other plans and preparations in place for this unprecedented 3-day event
5. Good of the Order
Open Streets Fort Wayne
● Open Streets Fort Wayne will take place on Aug 29
● Includes a bike decorating station and bike parade
● Mona seeking 4-5 volunteers
Meeting adjourned at 7:57 PM
Touring / July 4th GPX files for 33 and 48 miles from Homestead HHS-13
« Last post by Patrick on July 02, 2021, 09:32:33 PM »
Sunday, July 4th GPX files for 33 and 48 miles attached.
Latest News / June 2021 club meeting minutes
« Last post by Patrick on July 01, 2021, 06:17:44 PM »
June 3, 2021
1. Call to Order
● Meeting called to order 6:30 PM by John Grabowski
● Officers present include John Grabowski, Jennifer Altherr, Scott Tomsits, Andrea Egeland, Rick Bokern,
Michael Souers, Pamela Fennell
● Welcome extended to all in attendance including Jack Campbell, Patrick Stelte, Raymon Vasquez, Valerie
Vasquez, Mona Will, Kent Ellis
2. Passage of Minutes
● Passage of April and May meeting minutes.
3. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary
● Minutes passed earlier in the meeting
John Grabowski, President
● New Logo / rebranding project update - discussed the updated 3RVS circle logo used by the racing
team and new logo concepts. Decision was to adopt the updated 3RVS circle logo as the official
club logo for the time being, and John will work with designer Coleman Geiger on revised new logo
concepts. Andrea will be the "keeper" of the logo, and it may not be used or reproduced without
permission. John will work with designer Coleman Geiger on revised new logo
concepts/comprehensive branding guidelines to propose to the club at a future date.
Amy Copeland, Treasurer (absent)
○ Revenues include membership dues and Festival Tour registrations
○ Expenditures include NEIC scholarship reimbursement and practice cone purchase
● 3RVS’ application for 501(c)(3) status is still pending with the IRS
Michael Souers, Touring
● Michael will likely remove Kreager Park from weekend tours for the remainder of the season due to
new gravel road surfaces on the route.
● Michael will encourage people to post on Facebook that they are planning to participate in an
upcoming ride at a particular pace, as Michael is getting feedback that people from different pace
groups indicate they would have joined a ride if they would have known there were going to be
others there riding at their pace.
Dave McComb, Racing (absent, reported by Patrick Stelte)
● Time trial last week was run by Amy Copeland and had 15 participants
Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road (absent, reported by Jennifer Altherr)
● Trail maintenance scheduled for Saturday, June 19
● Good turnout for other sessions
● Monday ride was fun
● ATV’s have been a problem - working with Park Department and FWPD on this
Pamela Fennell, Publicity (absent)
Rick Bokern, Membership
● 242 memberships
● 335 adults
● A mailed in membership arrived without a signature. Rick has requested an electronic signature.
Scott Tomsits, Newsletter - n/a
Andrea Egeland, Webmaster
● 3RVS website calendar was down, Andrea involved the hosting site to get it working again.
4. Additional Items of Interest
Festival Tour Update (Mona / Rick / Pamela)
Mona: Major concern is volunteer participation as this will be the biggest tour in a long time, with
events over the course of 3 days. The road tour on day 3 (Sunday) will have the most participants
and will need the most volunteer support. Mona will post a call for volunteers on Facebook. There
will be a ride for the volunteers on the weekend following the Festival Tour.
Kent: Registrations thus far: 105 registrations, with 17 indicating Friday city tour, and 25 indicating
Saturday Gravel tour. 55 jerseys ordered.
Pamela: Will contact the media about potential press coverage.
NEIC Registration process (Kent Ellis)
The current registration using two websites is not flowing smoothly. Options to simplify the
registration for NEIC participants are:
Integrate NEIC into the website (likely won't work)
Have NEIC site as a separate registration site, and integrate club membership registration
into the site
Use a Red Podium member management no-cost functionality - Kent will research this
option further and provide an update
5. Good of the Order
● n/a
Meeting adjourned at 7:56 PM
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