Author Topic: March 2013 Club Meeting Minutes  (Read 2217 times)


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March 2013 Club Meeting Minutes
« on: March 20, 2013, 09:04:20 PM »

MARCH 7, 2013

*Call to order 7:30 PM. By President
Officers present
Patrick Stelte President
Earnie Williamson Treasurer
Phil Snider Off-Road
Kathy Boling Newsletter
Tim Claypool Secretary
Officers absent
Steve Pequignot Touring
Donna Nelson Publicity
Empty seat Racing
Greg Duncan Membership
Mike Heyes Web Master

*Reading of minutes for meeting of 2/7/13. Patrick noted the additions/corrections from Mike and Web improvements.
Motion to approve Phil, second Patrick.

*Treasurer report.
Kathy noticed on the treasurer 2012 expense report from last meeting did not include the church expense for meetings. Earnie checked and affirmed the oversight. The club is now paid in full.

*A discussion came up on the fact the July meeting day would fall on the 4th this year. Officers will consider a July meeting day and will post when decided.

*Touring No report. However Patrick did remind members present of the April 7th opening day ride.

*Racing Jerry Witham was nominated by Patrick with Earnie seconded for the clubs new racing director. Club officers and members are looking forward to working with Jerry in his new role. Thank you Jerry.

*Off Road report By Phil. Off road has had 4 to 5 weekend riders with the ever changing weather. We have done some riding and trail maintenance at Franke Park. In the wet spots created drainage and provided rock garden effect using wire mesh and rocks. Installed 5 new trail markers. Since the 2012 June storm the off roaders have cleared 30 to 40 trees from the trail.

*Publicity reported by Patrick & Kathy. Donna is working on the May Madness posters.

*Newsletter reported by Kathy. We had 24 newsletters non-deliverable due to improper e-mail addresses. The information from the membership form was not readable or un-clear. Kathy was able to find and or contact the members to obtain the proper address. Kathy has up-dated the membership information.
Newsletter information needs to be in to the officer before the 18th of each month for publication of the 22nd. Kathy is sending thank you letters to new members at the time of sign-up. Kathy is up-dating the membership list for the bike shop sponsors that provide discounts to club members.

*Membership reported by Patrick & Kathy. Membership numbers were discussed and a clarification and confirmation was reached per minutes from the June 2012 meeting. The agreement reads as follows: Ssingle memberships would be counted as 1 each. Family memberships would be counted as 2 each. Family memberships are at a minimum of 2 but could be many with dependents. In fairness to the officer in charge the decision was to count family membership as 2 each.
E-mail to officers from Greg reported counts of 101 single and 48 family memberships.
Membership total is 197.

*Webmaster reported by Patrick. Mike has been up-grading the web site and will provide full details later.

*Items of interest.
*May Madness committee have met and is being led by Kathy. The 4 members are Sara, Jane, Linda, and Susan. Plans are well underway for this event. The brochure is ready to be included in the April newsletter.

*Ride of Silence will be May 15th at 7:00pm. This will be a club ride and lead by P.J. Other sponsors include League of American Bicyclist and Bicycle Indiana. Club members are encouraged to wear their club jerseys to show the clubs support of this event.

*Anne Ellis reported on the “Bike Summit” being presented by Bicycle Indiana.
*Anne and P.J. Thuringer are in the process of forming a bicycle advocacy group in the Fort Wayne area. The “Bike Friendly Fort Wayne” is making great strides in moving forward.
The mission is to aide in bicycle issues in and around the city as well as education for both riders and motorist.

*Anne reported on the energy audit information included in home utility bills. The audit is free and painless. You can also direct funding to Bicycle Indiana as part of your audit.
*3RVS has been asked to assist with the Fort 4 Fitness ride again this year. The role of the club will be aiding the slower riders. Steve and Kathy are on the committee. The tour route will be a little different from last years. 3RVS will also be involved with the racing event.

*Different aspects were discussed to provide presentations for club members to attend. Ideas were health screening, bike fitting, advocacy presentation, and proper stretching before you ride.

*Phil presented an idea for a “Nitro” ramp for skilled off roaders. This would be a portable unit. Due to the lack of time this item will have further discussion at the April meeting.

Meeting adjourned.

Prepared By Tim Claypool