Author Topic: August 2016 club meeting minutes  (Read 2764 times)


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August 2016 club meeting minutes
« on: August 12, 2016, 09:40:17 PM »

August 4th 2016

President, Patrick Stelte
Hugh Smith, Treasurer
Steve Pequignot, Touring
Phil Snider, Off-Road - absent
Jane Lewandowski, Membership
Mike Heyes, Newsletter
Mona Will, Publicity
Joe Bartels, Racing
Mike Heyes, Webmaster
Tim Claypool, Secretary

-Meeting called to order 7:30PM by Patrick.  Welcome extended to all in attendance including Russ Stephens, Scott Tomsits, John Grabowski, Amy Copeland, Jennifer Altherr and Karen Walker.

-Reviewed meeting minutes of July 7th 2016, call for correction, or addition.  Steve made a motion to accept minutes as presented Patrick second, vote carried.

-Treasurers report by Hugh.  Shared debits for July that included mostly Festival expenses and post office box rental.  Deposits were festival tour, clothing payment and membership dues.  Jane and Kathy inventoried the remaining clothing and provided a spread sheet listing the product and value of items on hand.  Officers decided to list each months balance at the re-sale value and drop the negative value that totals from many years of purchase.  Going forward the freight and product print set up fees are being removed as a club expense.  Insurance for 2017:  Hugh filled out the questionnaire provided by McKay Insurance.  McKay will send the premium amount (based on the questionnaire results) later in August for payment.

-Touring report by Steve.  August weekend ride start time is 9:00 am.  September will have start time of 10:00 am.  August 27th and 28th will be a club century weekend.  Saturday the 27th will be pay tour from Community Memorial Hospital in Hicksville Ohio.  Sunday the 28th ride will be from Kreager Park off North River Road.  He explained the different options for the Sunday ride. He is still working on the Labor Day ride and will ask Mike to post on the website as soon as details are completed.   Patrick discussed with Steve and members of moving the Jersey ride to September in hope of better weather.  Jersey ride date to be decided. 

Steve is getting ready for the September 1st Strava challenge.  He asks riders to enter weekly stats no later than Sunday of each week.  A week is measured from Monday thru Sunday.  He reminded members the last day to turn in stats is September 30th.  The levels of the challenge are 500, 750, 1000, and 1610 (1000 miles) kilometers.  He reports manual entry on the website is acceptable if necessary.  He will guide participants to the proper web page as there are 2 options listed.  He will consider awards at a later time to be issued at the yearend gathering.  Steve reported in the National Bike Challenge the club placed 1st in our classification and 3rd overall nationally in July.
-Off Road reported by Amy Copeland in Phil’s absence.  Good turnout for the regular Thursday night ride.

-Newsletter report by Mike.  He and Jane will check e-mail addresses as some members are not receiving newsletter e-mails.  Patrick asked members present for input on the online version of the newsletter.  Comments from those present were positive on how the information is being presented with new format.

*Patrick issued a reminder * Newsletter officer will be elected at the September 1st meeting for the duration of the calendar year.  Interested parties must be present to be elected.

-Membership report by Jane.  She has welcomed 65 new members this year.  End of July totals are 144 family members and 158 individuals for a total of 302 members.

-Publicity report by Mona.  She reported an article should appear by Aubree Riechel of Fort Wayne Journal Gazette with interviews of RAIN riders from the club.  Also, she will pursue an article surrounding club members that have logged over 100,000 miles known in the club as the Wheel of Fame riders.  Group - Bike Friendly Fort Wayne - will list 3RVS club rides in their listings of rides.  She restocked brochures at the Visit Fort Wane office.

-Racing report by Joe.  He said the Tuesday night training rides will end for the year in August. Joe discussed many Tuesday night training rides across the city and surrounding area.  His idea is to invite leaders of these other groups to join together for a common link of rides on the club’s website.  Joe’s Bike at Night trial will continue on August 20th from Swinney Park West and head near New Haven for the turnaround via the Greenway.  Final details were being considered but he reminds riders to bring their lights, helmets and check tires before the ride.  A September night ride is still in the works and will be announced.

-Webmaster report by Mike.  He updated the Kreager Park-7 map on the website.  Up graded the system from 3.5.1 to 3.6 version.  The upgrades were implemented the 1st of August.

Additional Items of Interest.
*Festival Tour wrap up.  Jane reported comments from the start/finish area were positive.  The route was very well marked and many remarked on the great food at the sag and ice cream finish. Ride total was 70 pre-registered, 89 day of registrations 26 3RVS members 11 volunteers grand total of 196 riders.  Total income will be reported once SAG food cost are compiled.

*Club Century ride from Community Memorial Hospital.  This is a fee based ride from Hicksville Ohio.  The route will follow Phil’s route with a full sag at the fire station in Cecil Ohio. Once riders return to the Hospital a Spaghetti lunch will be served as part of registration. See website home page for details.
*Club Brochure re-order.  Club officers have been redesigning and refining the former brochure. Patrick suggested 500 brochures to be printed and how they would be utilized.  He explained for events such as Fort 4 Fitness a flier of our Festival Tour is more suited to include in rider handouts than the club brochure.  A vote to print 500 brochures carried.

*Tim Hall from Fort Wayne Outfitters Cyclocross Event “Battle of the Banks” August 27th & 28th requested a donation of $500 from the club members to help pay for portable lights.  Steve presented the proposal and Joe acted as spokesperson for the event.  A donation amount was discussed.  A final amount of $500.00 was approved by members. 

*Proposed Club Constitution Amendment presented by Steve.  Article 3.1 clarify the nomination qualification process.  In essence, a club member can only nominate one member per office.  Steve’s reason for the amendment was to assure that a club member not be able to nominate multiple people for an office, thus opening up the process to manipulation by one club member.  All members in attendance provided input and the change was approved 100 present.  The amendment will be up for final approval at the October club meeting after it has been posted in the September newsletter.  For the September election, Roberts Rules of Order will be used that suggests one club member can nominate only one per office.

Article 3.1 clarify the need for a special election of office that becomes vacant during the year.  Steve read and presented the new added verbiage.   The meat of his proposal is to give the club president the ability to appoint a club member to fill out the term at the end of the year.  Discussion for this section was limited due to time.  Patrick tabled this section until next meeting for further discussion. 

Meeting adjourned 9:01 - Attendance 14 – Minutes prepared by Tim Claypool Secretary