Author Topic: March 2018 club meeting minutes  (Read 1794 times)


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March 2018 club meeting minutes
« on: March 09, 2018, 04:40:50 PM »
March 1, 2018

1. Call to Order
•   Meeting called to order 7:30PM by Patrick. Introductions and welcome extended to all in attendance including Johnny Grawboski Amy Copeland, Mona Will, Steve Pequignot, Hugh Smith, Dave McComb, Randy Rozewicz, Scott Tomsits, Jack Campbell, Phil Snider, Tim Ellsworth, Douglass Long

2.  Passage of Minutes
•   Passage of January meeting minutes.

3. Constitutional By-Laws Amendment Proposal - Intellectual Property
•   Proposed Bylaw 1.7 reviewed. Steve Pequignot distributed hard copies of proposed bylaw language drawn up by Steve and Scott Tomsits, which was then discussed by all in attendance. The bylaw was agreed to after minor revisions, and will be included in a future club newsletter, after which it will be voted on in a future club meeting per club constitution guidelines (April newsletter, May club meeting.)

Bylaw 1.7 language:  “Use of Club Intellectual Property, Name, Logo, Trade Marks, Reproductions:  No individual, group, firm, organization, company, incorporated or not, may use the name, logo, likeness or any other intellectual property of the club without the expressed written permission of Three Rivers Velo Sport, Inc.  Application for such use must be presented to the Board of Directors via U.S. Mail, at the club’s registered P.O. Box or personally at a monthly club meeting.  The application must include specific details such as how the intellectual property is to be marketed, who benefits from the proceeds; the intended price per unit of each item, along with the complete product item.  If the application is approved by the Board of Directors, the applicant must enter into a marketing agreement with Three Rivers Velo Sport, Inc. prior to marketing the intended product.”

4. Officer Reports

Johnny Grabowski, Secretary
•   no report

Patrick Stelte, President
•   Festival Tour Update - Start Location and SAG stop for proposed changes to the 2018 Festival Tour were not available, so Festival Tour remains unchanged this year (start at Hickory Center School with SAG in Churubusco), while looking into possible revisions in 2019. The president will appoint a 2019 tour committee to redesign locations and course.  The officers decided to change the pricing for the Festival Tour:  $25 for adults, $15 for kids under 15 and $15 for club members.  There will be no early bird pricing

•   The annual Christmas Party:  Due to policy changes at Sweetwater Sound, there will be no December party.  Patrick called other venues for availability and found prime December dates where reserved.  Club officers and members discussed dates and venues and arrived at a compromise of January 2019.  January fits the racing director’s timeline as awards for cyclocross cannot be determined until the season’s December ending.  Also, re-formatting of the evening’s agenda was discussed to streamline and speed up activates.  * Post meeting update:  January 18, 2019 has been secured at Sweetwater for the club party.

Hugh Smith, Treasurer
•   Revenues included clothing sales, memberships and uncashed check to Saturn Church from 2016; expenditures included new apparel order, USAC club dues and race fee reimbursements.

Steve Pequignot, Touring
• 2018 Touring Schedule:
- Monday 10am - Morning Meanderings & Musings - Mona Will (8 miles, leisurely pace)
- Monday 6pm - Spokesman Ride - Doug Wintin (Roanoke)
- Tuesday 6pm - Kreager Park
- Tuesday 6pm - Skills Tour - Steve Pequignot (Jefferson Middle School)
- Wednesday 6pm - Saturn ride - Patrick Stelte (Saturn Church)
- Wednesday 6:15pm - Rogue Ride (Carroll HS or Wayne HS)
- Thursday 6pm - Girls Ride Out (Roanoke)
- Thursday 6pm - Jefferson A Ride - Shane Powell and Charles Copeland (Jefferson   Middle School)
- Friday 6pm - City Tour - Amy Copeland
- Saturdays and Sundays - Weekend Tours
- 2018 Weekend Tour Ride Leaders:
- A Group - Steve Pequignot, Patrick Stelte
- B Group - Johnny Grabowski, Cindi Souers
- C Group - Mona Will, Tom Yoder
- D Group - Robin Mitchell (alternate with Mona)

⁃ RMHC Charity Ride - April 29 - Steve Pequignot and Scott Tomsits met with committee
- RMHC will be an official club ride on April 29th @ 1pm
- 3RVS to mark route with Dan Henrys
- 3RVS to provide Ride Ambassadors

Mona Will, Publicity
•   Fort Wayne Magazine article on 3RVS
•   Mona is working with Aubree Reichel at the Journal Gazette to coordinate coverage for Snyder family’s continental US ride.
•   Mona is resigning from the Publicity Director position and will mentor her successor.

Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road
•   Trail maintenance 3rd Saturday of every month
•   Monday rides at 6:30pm
•   Destination Ride Leaders in 2018 will be Amy Copeland, Jennifer Altherr, Deb Watts
•   Off-Road awards for 2018 still in development

Amy Copeland, Membership
•   2018 membership so far: 200 total members: 92 individual / 108 family

Scott Tomsits, Newsletter
•   March Newsletter Sent

Dave McComb, Racing
•   Club timing device given to Dave to keep for club
•   6 new race team members
•   Now an official USA Triathlon Club (both Age Group and Youth)
•   New Sponsor - Beckman Lawson Lawyers
•   2018 Race Kit proof being finalized
•   Volunteer Time is required for all Race Team members
•   Baer Field Raceway has given consent for Tuesday Night race practice on race track

Mike Heyes, Webmaster (not present) Report submitted
•   Updated website Forum to latest software
•   Updated website software (v.3.8.5)
•   Added articles from newsletter to website
•   Investigating BikeReg online membership problem with Amy
•   Festival Tour page added to website and online registration will go live March 15th
•   Created Festival Tour page for Facebook

5. Additional Items of Interest
•   Covered under Festival Tour Update at beginning of meeting

6. Good of the Order

7. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned. 8:55 pm

Minutes by Secretary Johnny Grabowski