Author Topic: September 2019 club meeting minutes  (Read 2052 times)


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September 2019 club meeting minutes
« on: September 24, 2019, 12:34:22 PM »
September 5, 2019

1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order 7:30 PM by Patrick
Officers present include Patrick Stelte, Jennifer Altherr, Doug Wintin, Dave McComb, Pamela Fennell, Amy Copeland, Scott Tomsits.  Welcome extended to all in attendance including Steve Pequignot, Mona Will, Kent Ellis, Roiann Smolinski, Andrea Egeland, John Grabowski, Phil Snider, Mona Will, and Jack Campbell

2. Passage of Minutes
Passage of August meeting minutes

3. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary
August minutes passed earlier in the meeting

Patrick Stelte, President
- Mona - Festival Tour 2020 is set for July 12, 2020 at Sweetwater with Morsches Park as a SAG stop
- Labor Day Century Tour - We had 45 participants; $115.86 in donations, cost receipts - $79.97.  Everyone who was there talked about how great the event was.   Pamela will write a thank-you note for the church.  Special thanks to Deb Watts, Phil Snider, Roiann Smolinski, Jade Armstrong and two dedicated church members for all their volunteer efforts to make the ride happen.
- Discussion of the club freezer - Dave Lehman offered to sell the freezer to the club for $50.  After discussion the decision was made to let Dave keep the freezer and the club will buy a new one when we need it next year. 

Hugh Smith, Treasurer (absent, Report by Patrick)
Revenues of $0; Expenditures include annual insurance payment and website hosting services. Race Team balance of unchanged; Cyclocross Project balance unchanged; Franke Project balance unchanged

Doug Wintin, Touring
- New route in October will start at St. Joe Hessen Cassel School and travel to Wilshire, OH
- Weekend tour start times:  9am through September 14th; 10am the rest of the month

Dave McComb, Racing
- Cyclocross practice races at Franke are going well.  They are held Wednesdays with a 5:00 PM warm up, and 6:00 PM start time.  For last night's practice race 29 showed up.   
Dave purchased new cyclocross stakes to mark the course.   
- There was discussion about coordinating Franke trail work days with Neighborlink and swapping out NITRO content in the Franke Trail kiosk with 3RVS content.   
- Neighborlink contacted the club about either 3RVS or Neighborlink purchasing a bike tool stand for the Franke kiosk.  Motion was made for 3RVS to purchase to the bike toolbox for Franke Trails and put the club name on it.  Estimated cost is $275.  The club will take responsibility of replacing tools if they are stolen, until the club decides at a future date to no longer replace the tools.  Dave McComb will research the cost and different types of tool kits.  Motion passed to purchase the tool kit at a cost of up to $500.  Pamela and Tim will assist Dave McComb with installation.   Club will pay to add the club's name to the tool kit. Dave will coordinate location with Randy Rozewicz
- Final time trial series will be September 24 at 6:00 PM, with official start time of 6:30 PM

Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road (absent)

Publicity, Pamela Fennell
Mona - Tooting our own horns discussion - Bicycle Indiana is looking for sponsors to place ads in their resource guide, who lists all rides and bicycle friendly businesses.  To support Bicycle Indiana our club has done a Bicycle Indiana ride in which $1 of the entry is given to support Bicycle Indiana.  Individually, people can purchase Bicycle Indiana license plates to help support Bicycle Indiana.  Mona proposed that 3RVS buy an ad in the resource guide to show what we offer as a club and our website address.  The ad would run for a year.  The cost is yet to be determined.  Kent Ellis said no 3RVS festival tour survey respondents said they found the tour in the bicycle resource guide.  Others said they have used the resource guide to find bike rides.  Patrick suggested that instead of giving $1 for our ride to Bicycle Indiana, we could purchase the ad.  Those present decided to pursue the possibility of buying the ad, and when we have the cost of the ad at next month's meeting we will discuss further.     

Amy Copeland, Membership
Total Memberships 307; 136 family; 171 individual
64 of the members were not members for the 2018 season

Scott Tomsits, Newsletter
The last club newsletter was completed and sent out on time.
Mike Heyes, Webmaster (absent, Report by Patrick)
- Patrick shared that as of December 31, 2019 Mike has decided to step down from the club webmaster role.  Mike will continue with the role until December 31, 2019, and the club will need to find a new webmaster. 
- The club’s web domain payment is due and Mike doesn't want to put it on his personal credit card since he is stepping down from the webmaster role.  Discussion was how to pay for the web domain.  Patrick said we will investigate having the club's PNC account directly pay for the domain fees.
- Red Podium - Kent proposed moving the club membership from Bike Reg to Red Podium in the future.  Red Podium was used for this year's Festival Tour and it is less expensive than Bike Reg.  If we do switch to Red Podium, Amy Copeland said it would be best to do it before January 1 when club members start renewing their memberships.  Amy proposed to look into buying a multi-year agreement for domain name and hosting in order to get a discount. 

4. Additional Items of Interest
- 9th Annual Jersey Ride - September 21 at Roanoke Park with 9:30 AM check in and  10:00 AM ride start time.  Information has already gone out to everyone via email to get RSVPs.  This will be Patrick's last Jersey ride as the club president.  Jade Armstrong has volunteered to assist Patrick with setting up the food. 

- Scott - September Strava Challenge - several people asked if the challenge was going to happen. Steve did a great job to make the September challenge happen of the last 5 years.  The challenge won't happen this year, as it entails tracking 70-100 people's mileage and updating it on a regular basis.  It would also entail Amy Copeland purging any non-members.  Pamela proposed doing an October challenge based on people tapering off riding in October, and we are already in September so she feels it is too late.  Doug will discuss what would be involved over the next couple of days and determine if he will have some sort of a challenge. 

- Post Meeting Update:  With the help of Steve Pequignot under the advisory capacity of Doug and Patrick, the September Touring Challenge will happen with starts date of September 2nd and end date of October 1st.
- Johnny - Sometimes people ask about purchasing club apparels at rides.  The clothing is almost all sold out.  Patrick said we need to come up with a new jersey design over the winter.  The club anniversary jersey design won't be ordered again.   Post Meeting Update:  Scott has stepped forward and organized another 50th Anniversary purchased through our Facebook page and club e-mail address:
5. Good of the Order

6. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned. 9:00 PM
Minutes by Secretary Jennifer Altherr