August 6, 2020
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order 7:30PM PM by Johnny Grabowski
Offers present include Jennifer Altherr, Dave McComb, Amy Copeland, Scott Tomsits, Kent Ellis, Andrea Egeland, Johnny Grabowski, Randy Rozewicz, Shane Powell,
Welcome extended to all in attendance including Patrick Stelte, Roiann Smolinski, Jack Campbell
2. Passage of Minutes
Passage of July meeting minutes
3. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary
July minutes passed earlier in the meeting
Johnny Grabowski, President
Amy Copeland, Treasurer
Income including memberships and socks
Debit including post office box renewal, Gerber insurance renewal, First Friday awards, NEIC shirt reorder
Discussion about club insurance renewal
Shane Powell, Touring
Fort to Port Tour - proof of concept trial run on Aug 15.
Heat exhaustion occurred on rides this season
Altercation between club members and a motorist at a club ride - Police were called.
Efforts to make week-end club rides more welcoming to new riders
Shane proposed revisions to 3RVS Group Riding Guidelines to make "drop" rides the jurisdiction of the Racing Director, and unacceptable as touring rides. Riders seeking a "drop" ride format would be referred to the Racing Director to take part in a race format ride.
Shane distributed copies of both the current 3RVS Group Riding Guidelines and the proposed revisions.
Johnny Grabowski and Patrick Stelte indicated members need time to consider the proposed revisions, and then vote on them at a future meeting.
Dave McComb, Racing
Indiana State Road Race was canceled after discussion with state and national officials
Team Clothing - 3 orders this summer. Another order coming up for MTB team
July Time Trial went well. Next Time Trial is scheduled for August 18
Dave is submitting information to Andrea for posting to the 3RVS website
Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road
Franke trail maintenance is going well. Many riders have expressed appreciation for the trails
Randy is working on getting a shipping container to be used as storage at Franke Park. Seeking possible donation.
New updated Franke trail maps are done! Will print large maps for Franke kiosk and give a pdf file to Andrea for the website
Possibly create brochures with the map and club information
Publicity, Pamela Fennell (absent)
Kent Ellis, Membership
Ride leaders - Kent distributed membership forms for Ride Leaders to club rides
Kent suggests membership forms to be printed on the back of club ride maps
Kent suggests a new membership form card and welcomes help with the design
266 adult members
200 memberships
Scott Tomsits, Newsletter
August Newsletter was sent
Andrea Egeland, Webmaster
Working on improving availability of 3RVS weekend touring route files on website
Working on getting mountain biking and other ride information on the website
The larger website redesign will need to wait until winter
4. Additional Items of Interest
NEIC MTB NICA (Northeast Indiana Composite) Team Fundraising Discussion
NICA is actively fundraising to support their programs and their youth. NICA has applied for a grant from Specialized through their Outride Program. If awarded the grant, Specialized would match NICA donations up to $7500
The participation of youth riders has grown tremendously since last year from 5 to more than 25 riders regularly attending practice
Many kids are in need of adequate mountain bikes
There will be 2 races this year
Andrea proposed a contribution from the club
Shane motioned to donate $750, and Amy seconded the motion. All present voted in support of the donation.
2020 September Touring Challenge - we received inquiry from 3RVS member on whether there will be a September Touring Challenge this year. Shane said that he was planning on it. Patrick volunteered to contact Steve Pequignot to gauge his interest in managing a September touring challenge this year
5. Good of the Order
6. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned. 9:00 PM
Minutes by Secretary Jennifer Altherr