June 3, 2021
1. Call to Order
● Meeting called to order 6:30 PM by John Grabowski
● Officers present include John Grabowski, Jennifer Altherr, Scott Tomsits, Andrea Egeland, Rick Bokern,
Michael Souers, Pamela Fennell
● Welcome extended to all in attendance including Jack Campbell, Patrick Stelte, Raymon Vasquez, Valerie
Vasquez, Mona Will, Kent Ellis
2. Passage of Minutes
● Passage of April and May meeting minutes.
3. Officer Reports
Jennifer Altherr, Secretary
● Minutes passed earlier in the meeting
John Grabowski, President
● New Logo / rebranding project update - discussed the updated 3RVS circle logo used by the racing
team and new logo concepts. Decision was to adopt the updated 3RVS circle logo as the official
club logo for the time being, and John will work with designer Coleman Geiger on revised new logo
concepts. Andrea will be the "keeper" of the logo, and it may not be used or reproduced without
permission. John will work with designer Coleman Geiger on revised new logo
concepts/comprehensive branding guidelines to propose to the club at a future date.
Amy Copeland, Treasurer (absent)
○ Revenues include membership dues and Festival Tour registrations
○ Expenditures include NEIC scholarship reimbursement and practice cone purchase
● 3RVS’ application for 501(c)(3) status is still pending with the IRS
Michael Souers, Touring
● Michael will likely remove Kreager Park from weekend tours for the remainder of the season due to
new gravel road surfaces on the route.
● Michael will encourage people to post on Facebook that they are planning to participate in an
upcoming ride at a particular pace, as Michael is getting feedback that people from different pace
groups indicate they would have joined a ride if they would have known there were going to be
others there riding at their pace.
Dave McComb, Racing (absent, reported by Patrick Stelte)
● Time trial last week was run by Amy Copeland and had 15 participants
Randy Rozewicz, Off-Road (absent, reported by Jennifer Altherr)
● Trail maintenance scheduled for Saturday, June 19
● Good turnout for other sessions
● Monday ride was fun
● ATV’s have been a problem - working with Park Department and FWPD on this
Pamela Fennell, Publicity (absent)
Rick Bokern, Membership
● 242 memberships
● 335 adults
● A mailed in membership arrived without a signature. Rick has requested an electronic signature.
Scott Tomsits, Newsletter - n/a
Andrea Egeland, Webmaster
● 3RVS website calendar was down, Andrea involved the hosting site to get it working again.
4. Additional Items of Interest
Festival Tour Update (Mona / Rick / Pamela)
Mona: Major concern is volunteer participation as this will be the biggest tour in a long time, with
events over the course of 3 days. The road tour on day 3 (Sunday) will have the most participants
and will need the most volunteer support. Mona will post a call for volunteers on Facebook. There
will be a ride for the volunteers on the weekend following the Festival Tour.
Kent: Registrations thus far: 105 registrations, with 17 indicating Friday city tour, and 25 indicating
Saturday Gravel tour. 55 jerseys ordered.
Pamela: Will contact the media about potential press coverage.
NEIC Registration process (Kent Ellis)
The current registration using two websites is not flowing smoothly. Options to simplify the
registration for NEIC participants are:
Integrate NEIC into the website (likely won't work)
Have NEIC site as a separate registration site, and integrate club membership registration
into the site
Use a Red Podium member management no-cost functionality - Kent will research this
option further and provide an update
5. Good of the Order
● n/a
Meeting adjourned at 7:56 PM